Group Exercise Schedule | Program Information | Instructor Bios |

What is the program all about?
These classes are meant to compliment our Drexel wellness center by offering structured exercise class opportunities for participants to have fun, meet new people, and obtain fitness goals through participation. We also aim for participants to learn lifelong exercise habits, to be exposed to helpful nutrition, health and exercise information and to strive for a sound mind and body. We believe participation will be a positive addition to your Drexel experience b y improving emotional well-being, reducing stress and improving happiness and making you feel more a part of the Drexel community!

Program Goals:
1. Increase self-confidence and a feeling of physical well-being.
2. Make positive lifestyle changes that include exercise being a fun and energizing activity.
3. Improve Balance, Coordination, Strength, Flexibility, and Endurance.
4. Develop time-management skills.
5. Reduce stress, frustration, and anxiety.
6. Meet new people.

Who is eligible to participate and how do I sign up?
Classes are open to all Drexel students with valid ID for DAC entrance as well as all faculty, staff, alumni who are gym members. Gym guests are not eligible to participate in a class. At each class, a DAC staff person monitors class sign-in and eligible persons can sign-up at any time of the term!

What level of fitness do you need to participate?
All of our classes are geared for the beginner and intermediate level of participant and our instructors are very skilled in adapting classes as necessary to meet level of participants.

Types of classes offered:
Each term we offer 10-15 different classes for fun and fitness to the Drexel campus. Classes in the past have included- Yoga, Pilates, Total Body Conditioning, Kardio Kick N’ Tone, Absolute Abs, Turbo Kick, and Step & Tone and more!

Class Locations:
Classes are held in Activity #1 or Activity #2 of the Daskalakis Center. For exact times and location, please obtain schedule.

Time frame:
The Group Exercise Program usually occurs during week 2-10 each academic term. However, this time frame may vary each term, so please pay close attention to the dates on the exercise schedule.

If a class is cancelled, a sign will be posted on door and we will send out a notification via email. We will make every attempt to avoid this type of circumstance but such situations do occur. It is helpful to communicate with the instructors or fellow participants to exchange contact information.

It is common for participants to be injured during any physical activity. Such injuries include, but are not limited too- tendonitis; ankle sprains; blisters; muscle pulls; knee pain; cramps; shin splints and others. These injuries are often signs of “over training” and an individual should rest and consult a physician if symptoms persist. As with all physical activity, it is possible to suffer a permanent injury or even loss of life while participating in this program.

All participants voluntarily participate and assume all risks of participation. Participants must have adequate personal insurance coverage. Drexel University does not cover any injuries or accidents related to participation in recreational programming. It is recommended that you verify personal insurance status PRIOR to participation.

Components of Fitness:
Being physically fit involves cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength & endurance, flexibility and body composition. Following a proper diet and drinking plenty of water is also essential to obtain the benefits of exercise. Participation alone in a specific activity does guarantee physical fitness.

A Fitness Program:
Participation in an aerobic activity is essential for overall physical fitness.
Proper participation in an aerobic activity combines:

Frequency: how often you exercise; recommended 3-5 days per week
Intensity: how hard you exercise; recommended 55%-85% target heart rate
Duration: how long you train; recommended 20-60 minutes of continues rhythmic movement
Mode: what type of exercise; recommended to cross-train to avoid “over use” injuries.

Exercising properly requires a balance of the above components. A person needs to gradually increase frequency, intensity & duration, while combining different forms of aerobic exercise, to avoid injury and obtain physical fitness.

Target Heart Rate:
To measure your heart rate subtract your age from 220. Multiply that number by 60%. That number represents the minimum heart beats per minute you will strive for while exercising. Multiply by 80% to get the maximum number of heart beats per minute. This range signifies that you are exercising at the proper intensity to achieve positive physical affects.


1.) Consult a physician prior to any structured fitness program.

2.) Ensure you have proper insurance coverage in case of an injury.

3.) Complete program waiver form prior to participation.

4.) Do not arrive late to a class, as you will miss warm-up time.

5.) Communicate with your instructor. Report any problems or concerns to your instructor or to the Recreation office.

6.) Wear proper footwear and clothing.

7.) Know your limit! Listen to your body. Do not push yourself. Take a break if needed. Allow for proper “cool down” time after participation.

8.) Ensure you are properly hydrated throughout the day- drink plenty of water!

It is strongly recommended that you consult your personal physician or visit the Drexel Student Health Center prior to beginning any exercise program or activity. Thank You!