Bill Callahan Set to Drop New Album

Suck on that, Andy Samberg!
Bill Callahan Set to Drop New Album

Tuba-voiced depressive Bill Callahan used to call himself Smog, but he's been going by his given name ever since 2007's Woke on a Whaleheart. That change in moniker was supposed to signal a transition to happier music (or, at least, to less cripplingly bitter music), but in the time since Whaleheart, he broke up with Joanna Newsom, and now she's going out with fucking Andy Samberg.

So we'll see just how committed to positivity Callahan still is on April 14, when his longtime label Drag City releases Sometimes I Wish We Were an Eagle, Callahan's second album under his government name. That grammatically convoluted title makes its own kind of sense. Eagles, after all, don't generally have to worry about losing their girlfriends to sketch comics.

Posted by Tom Breihan on Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 1:30pm