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Peace Arch Entertainment Group

JCVD reviews
Critic Score
Metascore: 64 Metascore out of 100
User Score  
8.8 out of 10
based on 25 reviews
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based on 21 votes
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MPAA RATING: R for language and some violence

Starring Jean-Claude Van Damme, François Damiens, Zinedine Soualem, Karim Belkhadra, Jean-François Wolff, and Anne Paulicevich

JCVD is an action-packed, comedic satire of the life of movie hero Jean-Claude Van Damme. Playing himself, Jean-Claude finds himself out of money, fighting for custody of his daughter and losing every good action role to Steven Seagal. In an attempt to escape, the aging star walks away from his shrinking spotlight and returns home to his native Brussels. But when he is thrown into a real-life hostage situation, everyone sees a side of Van Damme they've never seen before as he takes on the police, battles the perpetrators and creates a media firestorm that captures the attention of the world. (Peach Arch Entertainment)

GENRE(S): Comedy  |  Crime  |  Drama  
WRITTEN BY: Frederic Benudis
Christophe Turpin
DIRECTED BY: Mabrouk El Mechri  
RELEASE DATE: Theatrical: November 7, 2008 
RUNNING TIME: 96 minutes, Color 
ORIGIN: Belgium | Luxembourg | France 
LANGUAGE(S): French | English 

What The Critics Said

All critic scores are converted to a 100-point scale. If a critic does not indicate a score, we assign a score based on the general impression given by the text of the review. Learn more...

Entertainment Weekly Lisa Schwarzbaum
A reality-twisting cousin to "Being John Malkovich" -- showcases a Van Damme who's sly like a fox about his own image.
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Portland Oregonian M. E. Russell
One of the best movies playing in Portland is, I kid you not, a loopy dramatic thriller starring Jean-Claude Van Damme.
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Austin Chronicle Marjorie Baumgarten
Post-JCVD, we'll never again be able to think of Van Damme as just another kickboxer turned actor. Van Damme is an actor, pure and simple, and proves that he is just as deft and accomplished as the movies in which he appears.
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Charlotte Observer Lawrence Toppman
You'll respect him more as an actor if you see this film – and you should, even if you haven't enjoyed the action movies he's made over two decades.
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USA Today Claudia Puig
JCVD is a whimsical twist on the biopic, sending up heist movies and breaking cinematic rules to interesting effect. At a critical moment, Van Damme rises out of a tense hostage situation to look into the camera and speak movingly to the audience. He has never seemed more convincing.
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Chicago Sun-Times Roger Ebert
Van Damme says worse things about himself than critics would dream of saying, and the effect is shockingly truthful.
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Chicago Tribune Michael Phillips
The film sags in the middle section, and it's more a novelty item than a fully formed work . But it's very entertaining. And Van Damme proves himself a brave, possibly foolhardy actor, which is more than Steven Seagal ever did.
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The Globe and Mail (Toronto) Liam Lacey
Unlike "Being John Malkovich," which JCVD sometimes resembles, there is no secret portal to the star's head; instead, the audience gets a fleeting glimpse through the smeared window of his soul.
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San Francisco Chronicle Mick LaSalle
A shrewd satire about stardom and the cult of celebrity.
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Boston Globe Ty Burr
JCVD may not be the first meta-musclehead movie, but it's certainly the most surprising.
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Philadelphia Inquirer Steven Rea
JCVD juggles humor with whomping martial-arts moves and a kind of melancholy star turn from the melancholy, muscular star.
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Seattle Post-Intelligencer Sean Axmaker
An inspired melding of action thriller, satire and biographical drama through the looking glass of a funhouse mirror.
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Chicago Reader J.R. Jones
This functions perfectly well as a Van Damme vehicle, but it's also a funny and poignant look at a man trapped by his own ridiculous reputation.
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Time Richard Corliss
Van Damme has been known as a martial-arts legend, movie star and pain in the ass. But never an actor -- until now.
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The Hollywood Reporter Bernard Besserglik
JCVD should entertain both movie and action buffs. Van Damme proves once and for all that he's not just a set of glistening pectorals. However, he's still in no danger of being asked to play Hamlet.
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Variety Rob Nelson
A French-language meta-movie parody par excellence, constitutes the headiest stretch of the beefy star's career since, well, ever.
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Washington Post John Anderson
Inventive, insightful and utterly surprising movie. It takes you places you're not prepared to go: namely, into the soul of a performer best known for flying back kicks. Who, by the way, can act.
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The Onion (A.V. Club) Scott Tobias
A canny piece of autobiography that looks at the man behind the legend and the legend behind the man.
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Los Angeles Times Sam Adams
The giddy near-brilliance of its central conceit is squandered by flat execution.
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Village Voice J. Hoberman
What exactly is JCVD? Comedy? Confession? Confusion? No one will ever mistake these backstage shenanigans for "Irma Vep." But as a self-regarding expression of masculine angst, it's a Damme sight more fun than "Synecdoche."
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New York Daily News Elizabeth Weitzman
Who knew? Turns out, Jean-Claude Van Damme is a funny guy, and a pretty good actor, too. Fans may already be aware of this, but JCVD is likely to introduce a whole new Van Damme to everybody else.
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The New York Times A.O. Scott
Some of this is affecting, some of it tedious, and the film's inconsistencies of tone are made more glaring by its peculiar look.
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New York Magazine David Edelstein
At one point, Van Damme delivers a long, tortured soliloquy about his alienating stardom to the camera in a single take. It's the most amazing piece of acting I've ever seen by a martial artist. But the film itself doesn't rise above the level of a good try.
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50 Andrew O'Hehir
Van Damme's remarkable performance -- I say this in all seriousness -- comes pretty close to redeeming the picture's murky and overly complicated artistic intentions.
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New York Post Kyle Smith
Combines a sketch-comedy premise with pacing like a philosophy seminar.
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What Our Users Said

Vote Now!The average user rating for this movie is 8.8 (out of 10) based on 21 User Votes
Note: User votes are NOT included in the Metascore calculation.

Dennis D gave it a10:
Wow! He almost had me in tears at one point. I was so incredibly blown away by his performance in this movie that I went to see it twice. I've been a huge JCVD fan for as long as I can remember. I knew he could act ever since I saw him in Wake of Death. Now he finally had his chance to prove it to the world. I'm glad that JC is finally getting the respect he deserves.

Tasha E. gave it a8:
Sure, Seagal's never been a strong actor, but he had it all over Jean Claude when it came to martial art flicks--as a master of Aikido and a writer/director, he was a triple threat. But the thing Seagal lacked (to his detriment) was a sense of humor; and the Muscles from Brussels has it in spades. Jean Claude has such a good sense of humor that when he was approached to play a has-been action hero involved in a bank robbery, he didn't get offended (as Seagal may very well have done). Instead, he peeled back his tough guy exterior and really delved into what it meant to be, well, him at this stage of his life--a washed-up star with money troubles and custody woes--and in doing so, he achieved the one thing Seagal could not, a powerhouse performance. Surprisingly, his acting was a real pleasure to watch and, like a rug to a room, it really tied the film together. See it for him, see it for the unexpected laughs, see it for the interesting storyline...but really, you should see it.

Marco M. gave it a9:
I grew up watching JCVD in movies like, "Blood Sport,” and, "Time Cop." JCVD is a great martial artist, but his movies seem to get old as he played the same character each time, always the action hero. Never being able to see JCVD truly act without the shroud of marital arts was a shame until now. I saw the trailer to JCVD about two months ago, and it intrigued me seeing him in a role loosely based on his life. Finally JCVD came to the Bay Area, so we went to go see it last night, and from beginning to end I was inside the mind of JCVD. From his heartfelt storyline of an out of work has-been to a failed father really carried the movie. The added action twist brought a new face to JCVD. When you go see JCVD you will experience a new side of him like never before. This guy can really act, and I won't be surprised if more serious roles come his way from this movie. The emotional range, which he goes through during a key monologue, will get you on board with JCVD if you weren't before.

Jizzle gave it a10:
Histerical and moving. It forces audiences to take Van Damme seriously for the first time in his storied career. Gotta give the guy major props for being gutsy and putting himself out there and telling it like it is. Nobody is perfect and JCVD's uplifting story asks the audience to consider that through all the fame and fortune, all movie stars are human, just like us.

Ursula gave it an8:
Happy to see that this rare treat is released in the US! I saw it here in Germany at the Fantasy Filmfest and enjoyed it enormously! Jean-Claude Van Damme plays himself with so much self-mockery, I would have never expected that from him! Normally, German audiences are very rarely applauding during a movie, but here the audience erupted into applause and laughter a bunch of times. Go see it if you still remember who JCVD is! ;-)

Ziggy Z gave it a0:
Wow. Failed horribly.

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