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If you don't 420chan, then...Fuck You


—420chan banner

Foundation April 20, 2005
Major Boards /b/, /i/, /weed/
Epic Wins Fox News, Hal Turner, Subeta
Website 420chan.org

420chan, run by Kirtaner, a reject from Something Awful and pedophile who decided to create a site with more specialized boards covering those facets of internet culture which not even 4chan's /b/, the toilet of the internet, dares to cover, is an imageboard mostly filled with a strange combination of completely stoned people, cross dressers, and shota lovers. Its origins are shrouded in complete and total mystery.420chan has no memes for the simple reason no one can remember them

420chan has a wide array of shitty boards, each with a regular userbase of around 4 people (although some argue it's just one guy on a proxy); this includes an Xbox hueg variety of drug boards, /po/kemon (superior to papercraft and origami), /sh/enanigans (filled with the sort of people that made dorm life suck), and intellectual boards like philosophy and politics (filled with stoners trying to sound smart and not making sense 100% of the time). They also have the original versions of boards like /dino/ that nobody important copied.

420 has a few specialized boards. It of course has a /b/ which is just like all the others except for the fact it's filled with stoners. Also, their music board allows direct file uploads so that you can share music instead of discussing it while desperately looking for the torrent.
An outdated survey that does not reflect the increase in Pokemon over the years
An outdated survey that does not reflect the increase in Pokemon over the years

In recent news, 420chan was the subject of the highly contested 77777777 get. In the last moment, a 420channer swooped in triumphantly stealing the coveted get.

As of December 1, 2008, 420chan is down. As of December 18th, 420chan is alive and kickin'.


This was simply too much for the noble yet less-than-intelligent /b/tards. With the fury of a thousands flies on fly paper, they descended into the depths of 420chan's /b/ in an attempt to steal back the 420chan 333333 and thus, in some existential sense, their honor. Laaaaawd, did they 4ail. Mods skipped the number and thus the /b/tards went stomping off to demand mom pour them another glass of live wire.


[edit] Boards

  • /420/ - DAMN STONERS GB2/weed/!!! This is not a fucking discussion on drugs fgts.
  • /dino/ - A board for dinosaurs that was ripped off by 7chan when 420chan was too high to notice.
  • /i/ - Italy. Talk about the great country of Italy here. Srsly.
  • /mma/ - A forum for...wrestling?
  • /wooo/ - Moar wrestling
  • /zoo/ - Bestiality

Here are the many drug boards (it's called 420chan for a reason, fgt).

  • /weed/ - Marijuana
  • /hooch/ - Alcohol
  • /mdma/ - Ecstasy
  • /psy/ - Psychedelics
  • /stim/ - Stimulants
  • /dis/ - Dissociatives
  • /opi/ - Opiates
  • /smoke/ - Tobacco (there's almost as much cancer here as there is in 4chan's /b/)
  • /benz/ - Benzos
  • /del/ - Deleriants
  • /other/ - Other Drugs
  • /jenk/ - jenkem

[edit] The Leaders

[edit] Kirtaner

At first glance, Kirtaner (also known as skirt boy) appears to be a faggot pedo nigger with no friends, but to many he is the daddy of the greatest board in the universe. Kirtaner is kind of like the guy in your band that is the lead singer which makes him technically the leader, even though all the rest of the band really does is make fun of him. When he's not posting pictures of himself in a skirt, he's jerking off to sum innocent 13 year old boys. It is also highly speculated that he had a love affair with feem and a Large sized bottle of strawberry lube.

As if you ever wanted to, you can read moar about their glorious leader here.

Ironically enough, this became a 420chan.org banner.
Ironically enough, this became a 420chan.org banner.

[edit] Tinal

Kirtaner's and Sparto's adopted pet furfag. Once RPed on LiveJournal as a catgirl and had a boyfriend. He probably still does but in secret.

[edit] Sparto

Kirtaner's girlfriend (HOLYSHIT Kirtaner isn't gay? zomgnowai!) and an all around attention whore, is only an admin because she will suck Kirtaner's dick (even though she will suck any dick longer than half an inch). By day, she swings her monstrous ban hammer and then let's the same fags she banned back if they bug her on IRC. Then she sucks their dicks. Find out more here.

Oh, and there are some other mods too, but nobody gives a shit about them.

[edit] Fun Facts!

Kirtaner and Sparto, in the heat of a 420chan Drink-a-thon
Kirtaner and Sparto, in the heat of a 420chan Drink-a-thon
Captain Tinal, the return of the boxed menace
Captain Tinal, the return of the boxed menace

420chan has a unique spin on DONATE OR DIE: If you donate enough, the admins die. 420chan Drink-a-thons are always stickied in advance with something saying for every 10 dollars, Tinal will take a shot of various alcoholic beverages via live Stickam feed. However, the price is usually raised higher when they realize they don't want him to die. It's ok, it comes close enough; what usually happens is that people donate slowly, and he transforms into a robot and does random things. Eventually he will pass out in his own vomit, someone will call 911 to go save him, and then everyone ignores his stream while Kirtaner takes over. When Kirtaner passes out, Sparto will put on a Guy Fawkes mask and a funny hat and not show tits for the begging crowds because she's a bitch.

420chan used to contain a secret board, /pedo/. After much retarded drama with their original webhost, /pedo/ has never returned.

Those lovable rascals that are the staff of 420 and its irc also have been known to treat their members to cp free of charge!

   [20:37] <senji> http://-------.---/-/res/1707.html
   [20:38] <negroe> senji: LOL
   [20:40] <Attorney`Sparto> WHAT IS
   [20:40] <BabyJesus666> Fool: I lawled.
   [20:40] <Attorney`Sparto> http://www.-------.---/-/res/1707.html
   [20:40] <Fool> lol
   [20:40] <LoLDongs> lol
   [20:41] <sporta> lol sparto linking to gay CP
   [20:41] <senji> hand sliding down pants
   [20:41] <senji> that's actually the only straight cp there
   [20:42] <negroe> senji: yeah
   [20:42] <negroe> gay cp works great, some people like straight cp
   [20:43] <Fool> lollololol
   [20:43] <Fool> i love cp floods
   [20:43] <senji> I luv u negroe
   [20:53] <senji> lol wher is the cp from /a/
   [20:53] <negroe> AH GAY THEY DELETED THE CP
   [20:55] <senji> The CP must flow...
   [20:55] <senji> >:)
   [20:56] <JuryMemberFutureDays> he who controls the cp
   [20:56] <JuryMemberFutureDays> controls everything
   [20:56] <senji> best line i've read all day
   [20:56] <BabyJesus666> =(
   [20:56] <BabyJesus666> Linkk
   [20:56] <negroe> -------
   [20:57] <LoLDongs> its gay butsex cp
   [20:57] <senji> got more of the twinky type?
   [20:57] <BabyJesus666> Why is it never straight cp?
   [20:57] <LoLDongs> because people like straight cp
   [20:57] <LoLDongs> actually not people
   [20:57] <LoLDongs> channers
   [20:57] <JuryMemberFutureDays> what about catholic priests
   [20:58] <senji> I'm shure we have a fair number of "father figures" who are Anonymous boylusting pedophyles
   [20:58] <BabyJesus666> Yeah.
   [20:58] <LoLDongs> probably
   [20:58] <BabyJesus666> So post some straight cp to anger them
   [20:58] <negroe> senji: wouldn't suprise me
   [20:58] <LoLDongs> but who doesnt like lolis
   [20:59] <senji> i like em all
   [20:59] <senji> so ... raging boner is raging
   [21:03] <negroe> ok
   [21:03] <negroe> done with the cp
   [21:03] <negroe> might flood more later

(Keep in mind that negroe, the one who freely admitted to flooding, is a staff member and that 420 bigshot feem was in the channel and did nothing, while sparto herself linked to it).

PS: Thats Chalupa in the background. The greatest man to ever live.

[edit] Drama

[edit] Site Drama

1. Tinal took over 420chan because Kirt was away.
Former State Thanks To Tinal
Former State Thanks To Tinal

2. All the boards were renamed and Kirt had to hack the server to get it back or something equally 1337.

3. At a later time, Tinal got mad at Kirt concerning Sparto and killed the 420chan.org domain. They later hugged and made up. Rumors of alleged gay sex also arose but these were denied by the Admins/

[edit] Continued Drama

On or about November 5th, 2008 Tinal and Kirtaner had an argument; leading Tinal to hold the 420chan.org domain hostage (again...) along with all of the PayPal donations, which returned shortly after. Amidst the drama Tinal revealed that Kirtaner had been using the 420chan donation money to pay for his phone bills, new cell phones, and had generally been using it as no strings income.


A whois indicated that Tinal redirected 420chan's DNS servers to 4chan, but failed epically, as nothing actually loaded. (On a side note, this further corroborates claims by some that Tinal is actually Moot in disguise)

Tinalrage seems to be over for the moment.

[edit] April Fool's "Drama"

April Fools 2008, Kirtaner makes a blog post about finding Jesus or something. It was honestly the shittiest April Fool's trick ever because Peter actually fell for it.

[edit] /i/nsurgent drama

[edit] Hal Turner

In February of aught-seven, Hal Turner's websites started redirecting to 420chan. Hal announced that he had been pwnt and told everyone he'd called the party van. It remains to be seen whether some stoner really did steal his password, or Hal made it all up as part of his fiendish plot.

[edit] Perverted Justice

Chris Hansen and friends got Kirtaner's dox (from WHOIS). Kirt lives with his mom. They called and harassed him and his mother in a manner that Anonymous would to Hal, and were just really fucking annoying. Needs moar backraid.

[edit] Failnonymous - the INTERNET DOODLE MACHINE

New 420chan logo on Drawball.
New 420chan logo on Drawball.

420chan was always eager to rid itself of its image as the retarded cousin of the *chan family. Powerless to do anything to the other chans, it focused its attention on the Moralfags in Project Chanology due to the members of the project referring to themselves as Anonymous, something which pissed off the 420channers to no end.

At first the idea was to crash the project's IRL Raids, which was quickly abandoned when the 420channers realized that they were unable to leave their parents' basements. After a series of pathetically failed raids against other sites unrelated to the Moralfags, including DDoSing themselves when trying to take down Enturbulation, they decided to take on a project with some possibility of success: Raid the Moralfag stronghold on Drawball. The date was set to April 3rd, 2008.

Epic fail ensued.

Unable to even scribble out the logo in question, the Anonymous of 420chan would thereafter be referred to only as Failnonymous - the INTERNET DOODLE MACHINE.

The other chans were either sympathetic to the cause of Project Chanology, or didn't give a shit. After failing miserably at scribbling out the Moralfag text on Drawball, Failnonymous started spamming other chans with requests for help. They were met with auto-bans from the mods.

[edit] The Great One Man Raid of '08

After being rejected from 4chan !4X8vLLNDE2 had nowhere to go, he decided to tell all his AIM buddies that he was going to raid 420chan's /weed/ board. Here is an excerpt from one of his many convos:

   DarXsAsUsKE: sup lol.
   !4X8vLLNDE2: nm just jacking off lol.
   DarXsAsUsKE: LOL
   !4X8vLLNDE2: hehe
   !4X8vLLNDE2: w00t ^-^
   DarXsAsUsKE: did you see the latest episode of Naruto?
   !4X8vLLNDE2: lulz im gonna raid 420chan brb1lol!
   !4X8vLLNDE2: kkk haha
   !4X8vLLNDE2: fried chikns!! HAHAHAa, what music shld i listn to wen i raid??????????????????
   DarXsAsUsKE: Insane Clown Posse
   !4X8vLLNDE2: THEYR SOOOO AWESOME!! JUGGALOS 4 LIFE juggln juggalo chikn slayer!
   !4X8vLLNDE2: g2g my mom wantsme to eat dinner >:("

After that enthralling IM he ate dinner (ricearoni) he went down to his room in the basement and started trolling /weed/. Who could forget such epic lulzworthy posts from !4X8vLLNDE2 such as:

   "this will probably make it on ED though seeing how 420'ers cry when there board gets raided"


   "they give this reaction sage sage sage sage sage so infact they have given lulz"

and this little gem

   "hahaa LULZ is a CORRUPTIN OF LOL!"

You have done the leegin proud young Anon. We salute you.

[edit] Life Cycle

[edit] Birth

Some site called 420chan.net existed first. Kirtaner made 420chan.org as a joke, and in response to the 420chan.net guy crying made it a real imageboard. It was better. End of story.

[edit] Death

The 10k GET was the album cover of The Scorpions "Virgin Killer", which featured a nude preteen, but was censored. Its not CP, as it's on Amazon.com as well as various other websites.

Anyway, the 10K GET was, obviously, stickied. 420chans host got scared and said "you're movin' with your auntie and uncle OFFLINE". The IP got redirected to nothing, and Kirt got hit with a CP notice.

Kirt called bullshit, because it's a fucking album cover freely available in stores and websites. Their host didn't care, refused to reply, and eventually closed the ticket. Kirtaner and Tinal told them to fuck off and canceled their account, and are currently moving to a new host. The biggest issue was finding one that will allow /i/ to be linked (although /i/ won't actually be hosted there).

[edit] The Glorious Rebirth Of 420chan

420chan has officially risen from the ashes. Its timing coincided with the fall of 4chan. With the death of this unholy beast, thousands of /b/tards were left homeless and set sail on small crafts headed for new lands. Most of them died and landed in 7chan, however a sizable number made their way to 420chan where they compete for lulz and shelter with the natives who have just arrived from their exodus.

Unfortunately, some of the refugees unknowingly brought the cancer that is killing /b/ to their new homeland. The influx of newfags and copypasta whores has lead to a split amongst the ranks of 420chan, some calling for the ban of all 4channers, others seeking a peaceful union of the two /b/s. Early flooding of the 420 /b/ by an unidentified 4channer has already sparked violent reactions from the locals. As these events escalated, the admins were nowhere to be found. No surprise there.

Also of important note, during the initial hour that 420 first emerged, someone had already begun a jailbait thread which included many pictures of children under the age of 12. Again, no surprise there. 420channers are still awaiting the repost of the Scorpions album picture "Virgin Killers."

[edit] /i/'s rebirth

420chan's /i/ was hard to host, and it took months before /i/ returned to 420. An agreement was reached with 711chan (whose host is ok with /i/) and about merging their /i/ with Kirt's custom wakaba board, returning Kirtaner and Sparto to being admins along with some #insurgency ops and 711chan admins, creating a new era of peace. This /i/ is currently trying to restore /i/'s good name with traditional Yahoo Answers trolling, more MySpace phishing, and extracting some lulz from the new s& hero.

[edit] Lockdown Level: Party Hard

Whenever 4chan dies, 7chan dies right after. While 420channers are not as hateful of other chan sites as 7chan and 4chan types are, they really don't like them coming and fagging up the place by posting so fast and what-have-you. So, 420chan changes its theme to RAVE mode, aka PARTY HARD, as a diversion.

And /i/ has gore.

[edit] Mascots & Sub-Mascots

  • TCC-Tan is the main official Mascot 420chan. Created in Something Awful forums, she was placed as 420chan's Mascot after getting permission from the original Artist that created her. TCC-Tan perfectly fits the 420 theme for her looks and her tools such as her giant green bong.
Hay Guys



Drug addicted Maid Yakui.
Drug addicted Maid Yakui.
  • Yakui is a Druggy Maid meme created in some wapanese image board. Yakui being all heavy addicted to medicines ,pills, and hallucinogen, she is very popular in 420chan and was considered as a sub-mascot by the users. Yakui In time her popularity gave Yakui her own board section on 420chan as /Yakui/. Currently the section has been missing along with other sections that once existed such as /bridget/,/Hentai/,/Loli/ etc. Rumors has been out that the Yakui section will return when Kirtaner adds the new sections which he delays on purpose since he feeds on babies.

  • JigglyPuff is considered as an official 2nd mascot. While /b/ was in a Sharpnel Rave Mode, there was an Image of JigglyPuff with glow rings. Many claim that JigglyPuff is the DJ of 420chan's /b/.

A Typical Image of JigglyWigglyPuff.
A Typical Image of JigglyWigglyPuff.
  • Jiggly Wiggly Puff is a horribly drawn MS paint version of JigglyPuff done by Z-IIDX. Mostly seen on /b/, was first seen as a OP image in a Xmas Sticky while a horrible background music was being played in /b/. Since then there has been some new images of Jiggly Wiggly every now and then. JigglyWiggly is known to have a weak bladder since many images show it urinating on the ground or objects/people. Jiggly Wiggly Puff is considered a minor sub-mascot but greatly loved by Kirtaner and Sparto. RIP jigglywiggly 5-3-08

Bikko is more awesome then you.
Bikko is more awesome then you.
  • Bikko is a one legged amputee girl who is popular among some 420channers. Created by some artist in japan, she is considered as a mascot of the /smoke/ section since she is a heavy smoker. Some argue that Bikko should get her own section, /Bikko/.

  • Flonne is considered as "The Loli" of 420chan. A obvious symbol that yells "Etna_Is_My_Wife" is not welcomed here. In some websites that Kirtaner is registered in, Kirt uses a Flonne Avatar. Flonne is a character from Disgaea.

Default template for the Morning Show
Default template for the Morning Show

[edit] Memes and Text-Memes

  • DICKS EVERYWHERE, Originally created in 2007 by kirtaner as a Automated response whenever you post an image in any section without any text, it was accepted quickly by its users. From time to time you might spot a user posting an Image VERY RELATED. If you see anyone outside 420chan posting "DICKS EVERYWHERE" then clearly they are faggots that need to get back to 420chan.

  • I vote you keep on trying, was originally created as a counter reply to a Lucky Star Troll in /animu/. Every time the troll would reply, users would say "I vote you keep on trying", in an attempt to show him that the troll is made of pointless and fail. However now the Lucky Star Troll of /animu/ uses it himself as a troll weapon against others. The user who first came up with "I vote you keep on trying" committed suicide when he noticed the troll is was using it now, lets just say there won't be any more new JigglyWiggly Puff content.

  • Lenny is that you?, Infamously created in /flash/. Whenever someone posts like they have no hands, its usually replied with "Lenny is that you?". There was once a thread in /b/ with OP posting a random picture claiming he was Lenny, followed by other users posting other pictures saying they were Lenny. To this day "Lenny is that you?" isn't used much at all and is mostly rejected by users in /flash/, but- Wait, Lenny are you reading this?

  • Morning Show was originally posted in 420chan's /b/ by a poster who'd found it on Google Images during an unrelated search, and asked /b/ if anyone knew what the hell was going on in the pic. The answer was provided in minutes (in the form of a YouTube link to a Japanese morning talk show) but more importantly, users began using the default template (pictured), putting their own text in the black and pink boxes. While infrequently used, it is still a 420chan /b/ original.

[edit] Notable Wordfilters

  • (blank response) > DICKS EVERYWHERE
  • 4chan > my penis
  • 7chan > elitistchan
  • 12chan > I AM A PEDOPHILE
  • bong > cock
  • blunt > dick
  • 4chan/7chan/420chan > 4feem/7feem/420feem (inactive)
  • Habbo > Colette
  • Scientology > Enkindlers
  • Nigger > African American
  • mod > Osaka

[edit] Hall of "I have Asperger's and spend all day on the internet"

If you're on this list, congratulations! You have succeeded in having a pathetic and unfulfilling life.

  • Alexander (shota hunter)
  • Asd (shota)
  • Alias777 (FAIL shota who only delivers for 2 seconds at a time)
  • Etna_is_my_Wife (lowest of low)
  • Reuben (nobody likes a Reuben, plain and simple)
  • Steve (regular bot on IRC)
  • Stonedchef (hueg penis)
  • Feem (supreme overlord of Aubrey Cottle's penis IRC)
  • Xanthine (is also a shota hunter)
  • KrypticGuy (the local Merchant on the IRC)
  • chet (Sparto's personal punching bag and stickam stalker)
  • Sparto (Kirt's cum bucket)
  • Ms_Mister (everyone's favorite trap)
  • Staplefun (For 20 counts of faggotry)
  • mehx (STOP THAT!!!)
  • kod (The friendly homosexual IRC bot)
  • AExodus (drug selling shota faggot)
  • Shortcat (Loves the cock)
  • Batmannu (Crazy Estonian chick)
  • Tinal (A typical drug jew)
  • Kirtaner/Aubrey Cottle (He didnt get a lot of sleep on Thursday night, lul)
  • Borwins (chink 4 life!!!)
  • Ocatamai (weeaboo)
  • BeachBabeHitler (secret Jew lover)
  • !4X8vLLNDE2 (crazy e1337 haxx0r)
  • Reuben Fanbury (most failsome of any Reuben to exist, ever)
  • Beedz~ (Faggot that wont shut the fuck up about his love for American Spirit cigarettes)
  • XIII (feels good man)
  • LaughingMan (Sick FuckHA HA HA HA!!!!)
  • Kakama (Anonymous Borg)

More Coming soon

[edit] tl;dr?

420chan is the most chill of the chans. But do to soberfags who decided to not smoke moar the faggitory was over 9000. So some raidfags came in and pwnd it.

[edit] The Chanese Federation

420chan has indeed joined The Chanese Federation recently. In fact, it is one of four founding states along with 2chan state, 4chan state, and 7chan state. One anon who's against the union doesn't mean all 420chan residents are. Seriously, what's wrong with having your own country?

And The Chanese Federation is indeed a real country! It's even on a map.

[edit] 7channers troll /weed/ and mods

One day some 7channers decide it might be amusing to raid 420chan's /weed/. Since /weed/ is full of quality posters and awesome people, this only compounded the lulz through their intelligent retorts and disconcerting disapproval. For 2 hours, /weed/ was bombed with bloody vaginas, dead jews, and gay furry porn. Suddenly, 2 hours later, Kirtaner wakes up, throws on his dress and decides to check up on 420chan, to find /weed/ plastered with the shit. He RAGES at his mods for being so incompetent while some people try to suck Kirt's dick in a likely effort to increase his rage and simultaneously avoid it.

A sticky goes up on 7chan involving the matter, and much lulz is had by all. Suddenly, Sparto appears on 7chan IRC demanding that the mods remove the sticky, or at least go on a banning spree, then rages when they refuse and tells them all what shitty mods they are. Kirt shortly follows suit and is trolled for a bit, though is sadly not as easy to troll as Sparto. The raid leader then reveals himself to Kirt in what could be considered a well-played coup de grace.

Suddenly Eman decides that to preserve 7chan and 420chan's long-standing good relations he needs to ban the raid leader from IRC and 7chan, and delete the thread. The raid leader then decides to post in on another chan for great justice and a thread about it goes up on 94chan, which is then stickied by the admin. An article also goes up on [[1]]. Hours later, the article on wikichan is deleted, and 94chan's bandwidth limit is exceeded.

[edit] The Logs

[[|tl;dr|#weed during the raid]]:
[16:47] Flip: what the fucks up with the fucking bloody vagoo's? 
[16:47] SirSiriusGrave: im white, middle class 
[16:47] Insomniac: all my scholarships came from hours and hours of fucking essays and having a high GPA 
[16:47] SirSiriusGrave: but not american 
[16:47] dorkfish: SirSiriusGrave, but you're a foreigner. 
[16:47] DeadJew: no clue 
[16:47] Insomniac: i had to work for that shit 
[16:48] SirSiriusGrave: id prolly have a high gpa in the US too lol 
[16:48] SirSiriusGrave: with that fucked up school system of yours 
[16:48] Flip: I suspect Bloody Vagina. 
[16:48] Insomniac: SirSiriusGrave, most scholarships are private and they want to give it to minorities, especially immigrants 
[16:48] SirSiriusGrave: haha 
[16:48] Insomniac: and since it's their money they can discriminate however they want 
[16:48] DeadJew: No 
[16:48] DeadJew: couldn't be. 
[16:48] SirSiriusGrave: oh, so you're from india, here you go, lots of money 
[16:48] El_Santo_De_Espana: lol, someone's taunting the mods 
[16:48] bongcrosby: basically sirsiriusgrave 
[16:49] Insomniac: well you have to do a little more than that but there are plenty of em out there based on racial background 
[16:49] BloodyVagina: I dunno 
[16:49] bongcrosby: my friend is 1/8 native american indian 
[16:49] bongcrosby: and is basically getting a full ride to this one school 
[16:49] BloodyVagina: why would someone post bloody vaginas 
[16:49] nocturnal: why would you even count that 
[16:49] nocturnal: one eigth 
[16:49] bongcrosby: becuse it counts sir 
[16:49] SirSiriusGrave: i might go for one then 
[16:49] SirSiriusGrave: when i graduate 
[16:49] bongcrosby: apparently it's the legal limit or something for them to give you a scholorship 
[16:49] SirSiriusGrave: haha 
[16:49] Flip: youre all not real americans 
[16:49] BloodyVagina: I wouldn't post bloody vaginas 
[16:49] nocturnal: only thing icount is my mother is bosnian and my father is croatian, because they were born and raised there. but i'm swedish because iwas born and raised there 
[16:49] bongcrosby: if he has kids with a 0% native american woman they wont be eligible for it 
[16:49] BloodyVagina: they are nasty 
[16:49] Insomniac: i tried for an "Italian-American" scholarship but i couldnt find any documentation that my grandparents were from italy 
[16:49] Flip: all migraten europeans 
[16:49] BloodyVagina: someone else must be posting them 
[16:49] Insomniac: the fuckers came here illegally 
[16:49] DeadJew: I wouldn't post dead jew, that's just wrong. 
[16:50] bongcrosby: i wouldn't post bong crosby 
[16:50] bongcrosby: cmon guys 
[16:50] bongcrosby: youre all sick 
[16:50] El_Santo_De_Espana: I suspect someone is trying to start a chan war... 
[16:50] El_Santo_De_Espana: :s 
[16:50] SirSiriusGrave: oh come on 
[16:50] BloodyVagina: ?? 
[16:50] bongcrosby: between which chans 
[16:50] SirSiriusGrave: i always thought 420chan was one of the more mature chans 
[16:50] BloodyVagina: I know 
[16:50] El_Santo_De_Espana: Which never happens 
[16:50] BloodyVagina: Bloody vaginas are sick 
[16:50] SirSiriusGrave: if they go for a chan war 
[16:50] SirSiriusGrave: i was wrong 
[16:51] BloodyVagina: sick faggot posting them 
[16:51] bongcrosby: i think 420chan was the one that had a pretty active /i/ for awhile 
[16:51] Flip: lol:P 
[16:51] DeadJew: i know
[16:51] DeadJew: did you know that over 9000 jews were exterminated in the holocaust? 
[16:51] DeadJew: hitler did a great service to help keep our nations warm. 
[16:51] bongcrosby: according to our ED entry, the last i checked, we're the more mature respectable smarter chan 
[16:51] Insomniac: Sir... you're in a channel called #weed 
[16:51] Insomniac: that's a young person's drug 
[16:53] *** GiR has joined #weed. 
[16:53] *** Mode change "+v GiR" for channel #weed by FBI. 
[16:53] SirSiriusGrave: that doesnt EXCLUSIVELY consist of 12-year old boys 
[16:53] DeadJew: i smoke dead jews. 
[16:53] bongcrosby: and tbh, drug abuse is a TOUCH immature 
[16:53] DeadJew: you ever get high off a smoking dead jew? 
[16:53] DeadJew: yeah, that's the stuff. 
[16:53] SirSiriusGrave: depends on how you approach it 
[16:53] El_Santo_De_Espana: Yeah, I migrated to 420chan as soon as i found out it existed 
[16:53] bongcrosby: im a drug addict but im still willing to admit that sometimes it makes people immature 
[16:53] Insomniac: SirSiriusGrave, we're smaller, we have more common grounds (weed), we get along better. NIGGERTITS is a mass of thousands of retards all yelling at once. Of course we seem more mature. 
[16:54] DeadJew: i'm addicted to dead jews, that's why i have to keep killing them. 
[16:54] SirSiriusGrave: that's what im saying 
[16:54] SirSiriusGrave: even if we only seem more mature 
[16:54] Insomniac: if we were as big as NIGGER TITS we'd seem just like them 
[16:54] bongcrosby: all chans suck pretty muc. 
[16:54] bongcrosby: theyre full of underage b&s which is why theyre so inactive during high school hours 
[16:55] Insomniac: look at DeadJew and tell me this is a mature channel 
[16:55] bongcrosby: sometimes the threads are funny but rarely theyre not 
[16:55] Insomniac: bongcrosby, how old are you again? 
[16:55] bongcrosby: 19 
[16:55] Insomniac: really? 
[16:55] bongcrosby: yeah 
[16:55] Insomniac: oh shit 
[16:55] Insomniac: i dont know why 
[16:55] bongcrosby: thought i was older? 
[16:55] BloodyVagina: wow more vaginas on /weed 
[16:55] Insomniac: but i just had you mistaken for stonedchef 
[16:55] BloodyVagina: who is tthis sick fuck/ 
[16:55] bongcrosby: ahhhh 
[16:55] Insomniac: i was going to say 
[16:55] bongcrosby: hahah never again 
[16:55] bongcrosby: but its ok 
[16:55] bongcrosby: i mistook you for opionomous more than once from bein too stoned 
[16:55] Insomniac: stonedchef is like... 12 
[16:56] bongcrosby: i understand how it is 
[16:56] bongcrosby: hahah yeah 
[16:56] bongcrosby: i think hes 16 irl 
[16:56] bongcrosby: but he's basically 12 
[16:56] *** frommen is now known as frommen|class. 
[16:56] Insomniac: i'm sorry bong, i've been up all night studying 
[16:56] bongcrosby: i dont blame you 
[16:56] bongcrosby: at least youre trying 
[16:56] Insomniac: i'll smoke with you later, will that make it all better? =D 
[16:56] BloodyVagina: oh wow 
[16:56] bongcrosby: yes 
[16:56] Insomniac: good 
[16:56] bongcrosby: if youre awake lol 
[16:56] BloodyVagina: MORE VAGINAS 
[16:56] Flip: fuck, you. 
[16:56] Insomniac: <------ 
[16:56] Insomniac: of course ill be awake 
[16:57] bongcrosby: good good lol 
[16:57] GiR: /weed/ is full of bloody vaginas again btw 
[16:57] DeadJew: fuck 
[16:58] BloodyVagina: FAIL 420chan Mods are full of Fail. 
[16:58] BloodyVagina: 7chan mods are full of Win 
[16:59] Insomniac: leave 
[16:59] Flip: yes 
[16:59] *** sb has joined #weed. 
[16:59] *** Mode change "+v sb" for channel #weed by FBI. 
[16:59] loldongs: troll detected 
[16:59] sb: ooh where 
[16:59] DeadJew: troll? 
[16:59] DeadJew: where 
[16:59] Insomniac: guys i dont think he's a troll 
[16:59] Insomniac: let's listen to what he has to say 
[16:59] DeadJew: yes 
[16:59] Insomniac: i think he's making a valid point 
[16:59] DeadJew: let's do that 
[16:59] DeadJew: XD 
[16:59] sb: who 
[16:59] El_Santo_De_Espana: Bloody Vagina is a troll. 
[16:59] bongcrosby: i wonder if it would be inappropriate to abuse netjester to give me ops to handle this... 
[16:59] sb: ok 
[16:59] loldongs: lets argue with him and pay lots of attention to his every word 
[16:59] Insomniac: i think i've been convinced to hate 420chan now 
[17:00] BloodyVagina: DeadJew Is a troll 
[17:00] Insomniac: nocturnal!!!!!!!1 
[17:00] Insomniac: I FOUND YOUR COWL 
[17:00] DeadJew: !!! 
[17:00] DeadJew: how dare you 
[17:00] Flip: but tomorrow, I wil be smoking and toking again 
[17:00] DeadJew: i'm not a troll! 
[17:00] nocturnal: Insomniac: lolque? 
[17:00] sb: why i love 420chan 
[17:00] BloodyVagina: lies 
[17:00] nocturnal: cowl? 
[17:00] Insomniac: yeah 
[17:00] Insomniac: i wear it 
[17:00] nocturnal: wtf is that? 
[17:00] Insomniac: and no one knows who i am 
[17:00] Insomniac: i become the gray fox! 
[17:00] sb: cowl is a cow 
[17:00] * Insomniac puts on cowl 
[17:00] nocturnal: you must be thinking of some other nocturnal 
[17:00] nocturnal: there is one on undernet 
[17:00] *** Insomniac is now known as The_Gray_fox. 
[17:00] nocturnal: or ircnet 
[17:00] nocturnal: i forget 
[17:01] The_Gray_fox: no 
[17:01] The_Gray_fox: actually 
[17:01] The_Gray_fox: i'm talking about Oblivion 
[17:01] bongcrosby: fuck 
[17:01] bongcrosby: i'm so stoned 
[17:01] bongcrosby: and haven't eaten 
[17:01] The_Gray_fox: there is an item called "Nocturnal's Cowl" 
[17:01] bongcrosby: and i have class nOW 
[17:01] nocturnal: oh 
[17:01] nocturnal: i don't play that 
[17:01] bongcrosby: like im already gonna be 2 min late 
[17:01] *** The_Gray_fox is now known as Insomniac. 
[17:01] Insomniac: bongcrosby! go 
[17:01] DeadJew: you can't hide the fact that you're a jew from me, Insomniac. 
[17:01] El_Santo_De_Espana: I play the shit out of oblivion 
[17:01] Insomniac: now 
[17:01] sb: oh 
[17:01] sb: i dont play oblivion 
[17:01] DeadJew: I can see your giant nose through the cowl. 
[17:01] bongcrosby: im going im going
[17:02] El_Santo_De_Espana: I propose we sage the bloody vagoos . 
[17:02] sb: yeah 
[17:02] bongcrosby: im the posterchild of jeopardizing edumacation for weeds 
[17:02] Insomniac: and learn it good 
[17:02] sb: go get your learn on 
[17:02] sb: go already! 
[17:02] BloodyVagina: thanks! 
[17:02] bongcrosby: i was the one stoned all day in high school cutting classes to get lit 
[17:02] BloodyVagina: yes sage the bloody vagoos 
[17:02] bongcrosby: and i already skipped this class the last two days just because fuck it 
[17:02] Flip: bongcrosby, that is what I have now cut out. 
[17:03] bongcrosby: and i'm very prone to deciding last minute to just not go to class and continue smoking 
[17:03] Insomniac: i burnt myself melting a glass rod in High School 
[17:03] Insomniac: good times... 
[17:03] sb: bongcrosby, go to school 
[17:03] bongcrosby: im goin! 
[17:03] Insomniac: DO IT FAGGOT 
[17:03] sb: but driving high is awesome 
[17:03] bongcrosby: its the last hit 
[17:03] sb: if you've already got a little buzz, you're good to go 
[17:03] Insomniac: -.- 
[17:03] sb: ok last hit 
[17:03] *** Siensis has signed off IRC (Quit: Leaving). 
[17:03] BloodyVagina: DOO EEEETTT 
[17:03] Flip: I used to skip classes 
[17:03] *** KlaY has signed off IRC (Quit: Download IceChat at (Link: www.icechat.net)www.icechat.net). 
[17:03] Insomniac: "There's last hits and then there's last hits" 
[17:03] bongcrosby: ok im done 
[17:03] BloodyVagina: sage the vaginas 
[17:03] DeadJew: sage 
[17:03] bongcrosby: ill be back around 420 prob 
[17:03] Flip: FUCK YOU bloodyvagina 
[17:03] sb: ok go go oo 
[17:03] DeadJew: fucking jews posted those vaginas! 
[17:03] Insomniac: ... 
[17:03] bongcrosby: tootles <3 
[17:03] Flip: oh noe 
[17:03] Flip: dont 
[17:04] sb: have fun 
[17:04] Insomniac: why arent there any mods around to ban BloodyVagina and DeadJew? 
[17:04] Flip: don't fuck the bloody vagina's 
[17:04] Flip: blegh 
[17:04] Insomniac: hey 
[17:04] Insomniac: sb 
[17:04] El_Santo_De_Espana: Sage the bloddy vagoos 
[17:04] DeadJew: because, Insomniac 
[17:04] *** dorkfish has signed off IRC (Read error: Operation timed out). 
[17:04] sb: ya 
[17:04] DeadJew: 420chan mods are made of Fail 
[17:04] sb: up Insomniac 
[17:04] Insomniac: can you ban someone for a specific ammount of time on IRC? 
[17:04] sb: sup* 
[17:04] DeadJew: 7chan mods are made of Win 
[17:04] DeadJew: amirite? 
[17:04] sb: nooo idea 
[17:05] sb: probably 
[17:05] Insomniac: i'm going to try and get banned for a few hours 
[17:05] sb: why 
[17:05] Insomniac: because i need to study and i keep procrastinating 
[17:05] Flip: fuck 7chan 
[17:06] Insomniac: i didnt know 7chan still existed 
[17:06] DeadJew: XD 
[17:06] El_Santo_De_Espana: With a cactus 
[17:06] DeadJew: no 
[17:06] DeadJew: with a bloody vagina 
[17:06] DeadJew: yours,. 
[17:06] *** totaldazz has signed off IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer). 
[17:06] Insomniac: hmm 
[17:06] *** Mode change "+l 75" for channel #weed by FBI. 
[17:07] *** bongcrosby has signed off IRC (Quit). 
[17:07] BloodyVagina: you're right Deadjew 
[17:07] *** Mode change "+l 74" for channel #weed by FBI. 
[17:07] DeadJew: I'm right.
[17:09] Insomniac: i've been studying for 6 hours 
[17:09] Insomniac: ;.; 
[17:09] DeadJew: bawww 
[17:09] Insomniac: well the thing is i have to use the computer 
[17:09] El_Santo_De_Espana: Anyone got saviorchan running? 
[17:10] *** loldongs has joined #weed. 
[17:10] *** Mode change "+v loldongs" for channel #weed by FBI. 
[17:10] sb: Insomniac> because i need to study and i keep procrastinating 
[17:10] DeadJew: go cry in the fire with the dead jews, furfag. 
[17:10] Insomniac: i do 
[17:10] El_Santo_De_Espana: Sage bomb the vagoos 
[17:10] sb: then what are you fussin about 
[17:10] Insomniac: ugh i'm just being a baby 
[17:33] nocturnal: lol one or two niggas, do that shit round here and you won't see that joint again 
[17:33] nocturnal: a stranger just passed this j to me in my own hood and he's all alone, that means free weed for me and my friends 
[17:34] m0lly: shit 
[17:34] m0lly: i wouldn 
[17:34] m0lly: t care 
[17:34] m0lly: i've got more than enough cash to replace it 
[17:35] *** lw0x15 has signed off IRC (Read error: Operation timed out). 
[17:36] *** lw0x15 has joined #weed. 
[17:36] *** Mode change "+v lw0x15" for channel #weed by FBI. 
[17:36] nocturnal: i have no cash at all right now. gave it all in advance for my new apartment =/ 
[17:36] nocturnal: but i need a place to live bad, i'm totally out on my ass by the end of november 
[17:37] *** Flip has signed off IRC (Ping timeout). 
[17:40] m0lly: ahaha 
[17:40] m0lly: nocturnal 
[17:40] m0lly: sell your ass for me 
[17:40] m0lly: and i;ll let you stay at my crib 
[17:40] BloodyVagina: vaginas 
[17:41] nocturnal: m0lly: if u were a chick and lived in sweden i would totally do it 
[17:41] nocturnal: i think i could live as a sex slave 
[17:41] m0lly: no. 
[17:41] nocturnal: i could eat a turd or two of my own 
[17:41] m0lly: not like that. 
[17:41] m0lly: i mean go outside 
[17:41] m0lly: stand on the corner 
[17:41] m0lly: and suck some businessman cock. 
[17:42] nocturnal: anyways, the library is closing so i gotta get 'home' and cook me some dinner 
[17:42] m0lly: kk 
[17:42] m0lly: bye 
[17:43] nocturnal: np: Lady Sovereign - Blah Blah (Public Warning!) 
[17:43] *** Terminal has joined #weed. 
[17:43] *** Mode change "+v Terminal" for channel #weed by FBI. 
[17:44] loldongs: » Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower :: 04:01 
[17:44] Terminal: Brilliant song 
[17:45] m0lly: i miss being able to enjoy music about opression 
[17:45] m0lly: too bad i'm not a loser anymore. 
[17:45] m0lly: (Link: http://www.picturesforsadchildren.com/comics/00000179.gif)http://www.picturesforsadchildren.com/comics/00000179.gif 
[17:46] m0lly: i respect and enjoy paul 
[17:46] Terminal: It's a funky tune. 
[17:46] m0lly: mmm, but 
[17:46] m0lly: there's a lot of funky tunes 
[17:46] Terminal: Yes, but not all of them are that funky. 
[17:47] m0lly: well i know quite a bit of funky tunes 
[17:47] *** Phoenix_Wright has joined #weed. 
[17:47] *** Mode change "+v Phoenix_Wright" for channel #weed by FBI. 
[17:47] DeadJew: i'll let you stay in my crib, nocturnal. 
[17:47] DeadJew: did i say crib? 
[17:47] DeadJew: i meant crypt. 
[17:47] DeadJew: it's a crypt, just for jews. 
[17:48] Terminal: These skullptura rips take ages to extract. 
[17:48] Phoenix_Wright: I have a crypt in my back yard 
[17:48] Phoenix_Wright: seriously, I live by a grave yard. 
[17:48] *** Phoenix_Wright is now known as Numbers. 
[17:48] m0lly: why have a crypt? 
[17:48] m0lly: man 
[17:49] m0lly: i'm just gonna have a dungeon 
[17:49] m0lly: like that one old guy 
[17:50] Terminal: He inspired me.

<Kirtaner> i really appreciate leaving tons of utter shit 
<Kirtaner> all over 
<Kirtaner> yeah nice job mods 
<Kirtaner> can 
<Kirtaner> t even watch 3 FUCKING BOARDS 
<Kirtaner> useless douchebags 
<Spardot> wow I like passed out. 
<FutureDays> is 420chan back ? 
<m0lly> yes 
<m0lly> kirt 
<m0lly> >can i be a mod 
<FutureDays> didn't know kirt 
<Spardot> Uhm you didn't exactly mention them anywhere. 
<Kirtaner> THERE WAS 20 PAGES 
<m0lly> you should have payed attention 
<Kirtaner> OF FURRY PORN 
<Spardot> >_> 
<Spardot> and like 
<m0lly> back there 
<Kirtaner> IN /WEED/ 
<m0lly> months and months 
<Spardot> people sleep 
<m0lly> kirt 
<m0lly> kirt 
<m0lly> need help? 
<DeadJew> lol 
<DeadJew> 420chan mods fucking fail 
<m0lly> i'd offered time and time again 
<feem> ?trace gline nick DeadJew duration 17y reason bye 
<-- DeadJew has quit (G-lined by feem) 
<FutureDays> hi feem 
<feem> anyone responsible for posting this shit on my servers 
<m0lly> and i offered to pay feem even 
<feem> gets glined and permabanned 
<feem> at least 
<feem> if i were in charge 
<m0lly> but no, i'm apparantly not good enough to delete a post or two 
<m0lly> i don't know how much effort that takes 
<m0lly> does it take much? 
<FutureDays> m0lly: yes 
<m0lly> oh 
<m0lly> right 
<FutureDays> and everybody hates you for that 
<Kirtaner> cool 
<Kirtaner> 90 percent of /weed/ 
<Kirtaner> is furry 
<Spardot> I am doing si, feem. 
<darghe> goddamnit 
<darghe> b4 it was bloddy vaginas 
<Spardot> well not a lot of people know the site is up 
<darghe> wtf 
<FutureDays> Spardot: How do i emergency boards 
<Kirtaner> 420CHAN.ORG 

�03[20:12] * Sparto (OBJECTION@bundle.of.kittens) has joined #7chan 
[20:12] <Sparto> Hiii 7chan 
[20:12] <PandaFister> hai 
[20:12] <Sparto> can you do me a favooorr. 
[20:12] <Sparto> where are your mods. 
[20:12] <%darghe> hallo 
[20:12] <PandaFister> <--- admin 
[20:12] <Sparto> hi. 
[20:13] <Admin> no me 
[20:13] <Sparto> http://img.7chan.org/b/res/1622449.html 
�03[20:13] * Oboe (chatzilla@EE97B01B.B9729DAA.C4E2C28E.IP) has joined #7chan 
[20:13] <Sparto> please go on a banning spree in this thread. 
[20:13] <Sparto> thanks 
[20:13] <Oboe> ...??? 
[20:13] <%darghe> oh my 
[20:13] <Oboe> the hell was that for a boot? 
[20:13] <%darghe> sparto.. I think the raid or something stopped 
�03[20:13] * Cryomancer (Cryo@anon-348E1494.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #7chan 
[20:13] <Sparto> we don't appreciate this kind of stuff and yeah, just asking. 
[20:13] <PandaFister> lmao 
[20:13] <%darghe> like a hour ago? 
[20:13] <Sparto> I know but we don't appreciate this thread 
[20:13] <Sparto> of people bragging 
[20:13] <PandaFister> who was posting all those jew pics 
[20:13] <PandaFister> sick bastards 
[20:13] <%darghe> I see 
[20:13] <Sparto> and now they're threatening to use /weed/ as a reg. target 
[20:13] <Sparto> so if you could like. 
[20:13] <Sparto> yanno. 
[20:14] <Sparto> deal with this. 
�02[20:14] * Ralph_Nader (president@whitehouse.gov) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.3/2008092417]�) 
[20:14] <Sparto> it'd be appreciated. 
[20:14] <%darghe> I discuss it in our mod channel 
[20:14] <%darghe> its this ok for now? 
[20:14] <Sparto> No, I want it gone. 
[20:14] <%darghe> well I cant go and do things on my own 
[20:14] <Sparto> We've always had decent relations with you guys and we're not sure why you gu..wtf 
[20:14] <Sparto> why not? 
[20:14] <%darghe> people got suspended for that 
[20:14] <Sparto> You're a mod. 
[20:14] <%darghe> we act democratic 
[20:14] <Sparto> p4 will understand 
[20:15] <Sparto> me an' him be tite 
�06[20:15] * PandaFister would much prefer a demarchy 
[20:15] <%darghe> I understand completly 
[20:15] <%darghe> wait 
[20:15] <%darghe> p4ch3c0 
[20:15] <%darghe> p4ch3c0 
[20:15] <%darghe> p4ch3c0 
[20:15] <Sparto> I'd prefer you just go on a banning spree and get rid of this shit, thanks. 
[20:15] <Sparto> I'd ask kakama but he's all 
[20:15] <Sparto> omgah take break from internets 
[20:15] <%darghe> hmm he was here yesterday 
[20:16] <Sparto> yes that's when he decided. 
[20:16] <%darghe> oh why? 
[20:16] <Sparto> Because, now i want the thread gone. 
[20:16] <%darghe> woa.. hold on 
[20:16] <Sparto> if this happened on our chan, it would already have been gone as we don't approve of raiding other relevant chans. 
[20:16] <Sparto> they're also threatening to post cp 
[20:17] <%darghe> ok thats bullcrap 
[20:17] <Sparto> so yeah, it could get your shit in a lot of trouble if we took shots. 
[20:17] <Sparto> so remove everything 420chan related. 
[20:17] <The_Government> chans: serious businedd 
[20:17] <The_Government> ss 
[20:17] <The_Government> asfjaslkfj 
[20:17] <Sparto> shut the fuck up. 
[20:17] <The_Government> fuck you 
[20:17] <%darghe> ^ 
�03[20:17] * The_Government was kicked by darghe (I banned you b4�) 
�03[20:17] * The_Government (bolshevik@anon-4C6FA3DD.dynamic.ip.windstream.net) has joined #7chan 
[20:17] <Sparto> I don't appreciate my fucking chan getting "raided" by a bunch of morons. 
[20:17] <%darghe> >:/ 
[20:17] <The_Government> lol 
[20:17] <Sparto> you should ban them anyways. 
[20:18] <The_Government> dramaaaaaaaaaaa 
[20:18] <Sparto> they're morons. 
[20:18] <%darghe> poeeee 
[20:18] <Sparto> so fix it. 
[20:18] <The_Government> hey saz I didnt know you hung out with such thin skinned faggots 
[20:18] <%darghe> poe 
[20:18] <%darghe> poe 
[20:18] <%darghe> wait a mom 
[20:18] <Mouse> ? 
[20:18] <%darghe> POE 
[20:19] <The_Government> poe 
[20:19] <%darghe> >:/ 
[20:19] <%darghe> POE 
[20:19] <Sparto> are you fucking kidding me. 
[20:19] <Sparto> grow some balls 
[20:19] <Sparto> and mod. 
[20:19] <The_Government> yeah really 
[20:19] <%darghe> =0 
[20:19] <Sparto> if there is shit that someone else wants removed. 
[20:19] <The_Government> I'd respect you a little more if you just banned me 
[20:19] <Sparto> something that could cause chan wars 
[20:19] <The_Government> instead of calling for mommy 
[20:19] <Sparto> I'd do it. 
[20:19] <Sparto> :/ 
�03[20:19] * Kirtaner (Kirtaner@anon-561AA5D3.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #7chan 
[20:19] <Sparto> we don't have this problem with our s.. 
[20:20] <Sparto> oh boy. 
�03[20:20] * darghe sets mode: +b *!*bolshevik@*.dynamic.ip.windstream.net 
�03[20:20] * The_Government was kicked by darghe (=0�) 
[20:20] <Kirtaner> http://img.7chan.org/b/res/1622449.html BAN AND DELETE NOW YOU STUPID TARDS THANKS 
�01[20:20] <poe> poe's here 
[20:20] <%darghe> poe.. whatyer think? 
[20:20] <Kirtaner> YOU'RE WORSE THAN OUR STAFF 
�02[20:20] * Sparto (OBJECTION@bundle.of.kittens) Quit (Quit: leaving�) 
�01[20:20] <poe> lol 
[20:20] <%darghe> its not our fault that yer mods didnt delete 
�02[20:20] * taiga (ufffff@kawaii.desu.desu.de.su) Quit (Operation timed out�) 
�01[20:20] <poe> that's not exactly true. 
[20:21] <%darghe> oh? 
�01[20:21] <poe> if you were a 7chan mod, you'd know, kirt 
�01[20:21] <poe> not you, darghe 
�03[20:21] * darghe sets mode: -b *!*bolshevik@*.dynamic.ip.windstream.net 
[20:21] <Kirtaner> D&B 
�03[20:21] * Fi3p (Paul@anon-E1D3D450.phlapa.east.verizon.net) has joined #7chan 
[20:21] <Kirtaner> GO 
[20:22] <Mouse> someone called? 
�01[20:22] <poe> come on kirt 
�01[20:22] <poe> it's funny 
�01[20:22] <poe> stop being such a wart 
[20:22] <%darghe> Kirt I mean.. we get cp EVERY FUCKING DAY.. if not twice 
�01[20:22] <poe> yes, you're the victim this time, but what's it matter? 
[20:22] <%darghe> we dont whine bout that 
�01[20:23] <poe> is the internet that serious? 
[20:23] <%darghe> we just delete and move on 
[20:23] <Kirtaner> you're fucking useless 
�01[20:23] <poe> it's funny, kirt 
[20:23] <Kirtaner> i like how none of you care about keeping dumb shit away 
�03[20:23] * The_Government (bolshevik@anon-4C6FA3DD.dynamic.ip.windstream.net) has joined #7chan 
�01[20:23] <poe> it's not dumb shit. 
�01[20:23] <poe> it's funny. 
[20:23] <The_Government> hiiiiiii kirt 
[20:23] <The_Government> are you the real kirtaner 
�03[20:24] * taiga (ufffff@kawaii.desu.desu.de.su) has joined #7chan 
�01[20:24] <poe> when shit happens to us, then people post about it on your boards, and it's actually bringing FAIL or content to the board, would you want us to make you delete it?
[20:24] <Kirtaner> poe: this place has gotten even worse. cool. 
�03[20:24] * You were kicked by Rufus (Don't use the word \"FAIL\" on this channel!�) 
Session Close: Thu Nov 13 20:24:40 2008 

Session Start: Thu Nov 13 20:24:44 2008 
Session Ident: #7chan 
�03[20:24] * Now talking in #7chan 
�03[20:24] * Topic is 'YOUR EGG CREAM MR. REDMOND�' 
�03[20:24] * Set by Teffen on Thu Nov 13 07:14:05 
[20:24] <Kirtaner> actually 
[20:24] <Kirtaner> we DO delete it 
�01[20:25] <poe> that's silly of you then... 
�01[20:25] <poe> no offense 
[20:25] <Kirtaner> more like we actually care about trying to curb drama 
[20:25] <PandaFister> Kirtaner, can I petition you to remove the fullpage ads? 
[20:25] <Kirtaner> this shit is why we might be dropping a *chan name 
[20:25] <Kirtaner> starting fresh 
�06[20:25] * Oboe catches fire 
[20:26] <PandaFister> there goes your userbase 
�01[20:26] <poe> drama is funny. as long as it's not serious drama. 
[20:26] <The_Government> what was the name of that adtrw goon you let fuck you in the ass kirt 
�03[20:26] * darghe sets mode: +v The_Government 
�03[20:26] * darghe sets mode: +v Kirtaner 
[20:26] <+Kirtaner> pandafister: most of our old timers want us to do it 
�03[20:26] * darghe sets mode: +m 
�01[20:26] <poe> why don't you blame your mods for being inattentive then blaming us for the raiders posting it on our boards? 
[20:26] #7chan You need voice (+v) (#7chan) 
[20:26] <+The_Government> you're not sarah palin you don't get to ignore important questions kirtaner 
�03[20:26] * lotus sets mode: -m 
[20:27] <+The_Government> come on 
�01[20:27] <poe> why don't you blame your mods for being inattentive then blaming us for the raiders posting it on our boards? 
[20:27] <%darghe> lotus I wanted to keep unrelevant comments out 
[20:27] <@lotus> my bad, darghe 
[20:27] <%darghe> oh ok 
�03[20:27] * lotus sets mode: +m 
[20:27] <+The_Government> "unrelevant" 
�03[20:27] * darghe sets mode: +v poe 
[20:27] <@lotus> The_Government he's german 
[20:27] <@lotus> forgive him 
[20:27] <+The_Government> oh 
[20:27] <%darghe> forgive me 
[20:27] <+The_Government> you're forgiven on account of your booze 
[20:27] <+The_Government> carry on 
[20:29] <%darghe> Kirt.. do they actually raid anymore? 
[20:29] <%darghe> or just discuss it at our board? 
�02[20:29] * Admin (root@ Quit (Operation timed out�) 
[20:30] <+The_Government> why are people talking to kirt like he's an important person and not an anus stretching pile of flaming faggotry 
[20:30] <%darghe> I dunnor 
�03[20:30] * Fi3p (Paul@anon-E1D3D450.phlapa.east.verizon.net) has left #7chan 
[20:30] <@lotus> actually 
�03[20:30] * lotus sets mode: -m 
[20:31] <+The_Government> 7chan has far too many rules and not enough balls imo 
�01[20:31] <+poe> agreed 
�01[20:31] <+poe> this is why i'm refusing to take down the sticky. 
[20:31] <%darghe> kinda agreed 
[20:31] <@lotus> The_Government, you know who to blame 
�01[20:31] <+poe> it's bringing FAIL and content to the board, no reason i should remove it. 
�03[20:31] * You were kicked by Rufus (Don't use the word \"FAIL\" on this channel!�) 
Session Close: Thu Nov 13 20:31:32 2008 

Session Start: Thu Nov 13 20:31:36 2008 
Session Ident: #7chan 
�03[20:31] * Now talking in #7chan 
�03[20:31] * Topic is 'YOUR EGG CREAM MR. REDMOND�' 
�03[20:31] * Set by Teffen on Thu Nov 13 07:14:05 
[20:31] <+The_Government> actually i don't who is it 
[20:31] <+The_Government> is it saz because that'd be pretty funny 
�02[20:31] * six|out (six@six.nine) Quit (Quit: bbl�) 
�01[20:31] <poe> is kirt even still here? 
[20:31] <%darghe> I dunno 
[20:32] <%darghe> maybe he just lurks 
�03[20:32] * Admin (root@ has joined #7chan 
�01[20:32] <poe> maybe 
[20:32] <+The_Government> maybe the tremedous shame he shold feel for his existence has finally caught up to him 
[20:32] <+The_Government> and now he's in a fetal position under his computer desk 
[20:32] <%darghe> =0 
[20:32] <%darghe> pics 
[20:32] <+The_Government> don't we have enough pics of kirtaner 
[20:32] <%Weeabot> you earn you 10 questions kirtaner is playing by the <censored> olololol 
[20:32] <+The_Government> seriously 
�01[20:33] <poe> silence weeabot 
[20:33] <%darghe> I guess 
[20:33] <+lust> lotus sucks dicks 
[20:33] <%Weeabot> the silence shaked head. 
[20:33] <+lust> the end 
[20:33] <%darghe> but is there a "too much"? 
[20:33] <+The_Government> yes 
�01[20:33] <poe> conversation is over if kirt isn't gonna talk anymore. 
[20:33] <+The_Government> there is 
[20:33] <%darghe> <poe> conversation is over if kirt isn't gonna talk anymore. 
[20:33] <+Kirtaner> ur gy 
[20:33] <+The_Government> gline that motherfucker 
�03[20:34] * m9105826 (chatzilla@anon-33C8F601.subscriber.vzavenue.net) has joined #7chan 
[20:34] <+The_Government> there is no reason to allow that faggot on your server unless it is to troll him 
[20:34] <+Kirtaner> conversely who the fuck are you 
[20:34] <+Kirtaner> some random irc troll 
[20:34] <+The_Government> YO MOMMA 
[20:34] <+The_Government> fuck you 
[20:34] <%darghe> =0 
[20:34] <%darghe> now now 
[20:34] <+The_Government> I'm a nobody 
[20:34] <+Kirtaner> lmao 
�02[20:34] * Tab (Tab@anon-5CF94BC9.phil.east.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: Tab�) 
�01[20:34] <poe> lol 
[20:34] <+The_Government> which is a hell of a lot better than what you are you goddamn laughingstock 
[20:34] <m9105826> lol 
[20:34] <%Weeabot> lol 
[20:34] <@lotus> lust; agreed 
[20:35] <+Kirtaner> gb2fyad 
[20:35] <+The_Government> lol fyad 
�01[20:35] <poe> kirt, i don't expect you to remove content from your boards for any reason, it tends to be hard to come by on chans nowadays. 
[20:35] <+The_Government> try again 
�01[20:35] <poe> so it's not fair that you should expect us to. 
[20:35] <+Kirtaner> you come off a a retarded SA drone 
[20:35] <+The_Government> I am 
�01[20:35] <poe> i don't go to SA. 
[20:35] <%darghe> a a 
[20:35] <+The_Government> but i'm not a fyad 
[20:35] <%darghe> :/ 
[20:36] <+Kirtaner> sh/sc!

<Kirtaner> seriously it's like i'm the only person on any chan that even gives a shit anymore 
<poe> your modding staff is kind of lacking, but consider this, how often do you have to put up with this kind of shit, and how often do we? 
<Kirtaner> our staff is lacking because we have a high turnaround rate 
<Kirtaner> we hire people 
<Kirtaner> they fuck up in a day or two 
<Kirtaner> and get fired 
<poe> *shrug* it's a drug chan, it attracts druggies. 
<poe> did you think they'd all be really fuckin' smart or something? lol 
<poe> this is also the internet. 
<Kirtaner> we just have unreasonably high standards 
<Kirtaner> it's what keeps us going 
<Kirtaner> and keeps us with a large amount of fans 
<poe> one thing's probably true though, there are definately a lot of trolls on 7chan. 
* poe is now known as DeadJew 
<DeadJew> lol

[edit] Gallery of the raid

[edit] Gallery Moments with 420chan

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links

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