Attention whore

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Most commonly found on the Internets, an Attention Whore is almost invariably a sixteen year old girl who desperately craves attention in any form. The majority of Attention Whores are completely insane and most still attend high school. While it is widely believed (and hoped) that there is a special circle of Hell dedicated for Attention Whores, the truth is that their own miserable lives and public embarrassment are a far worse punishment than anything Satan could conjure up himself. The only way to cure Attention Whoredom is to fuck the living daylights out of the subject, or, if they are jailbait and buttugly, hand them over to pedobear, who will fuck anything that has a small vagina and no tits.


Types of Attention Whore

The canonical Attention Whore reference picture.
The canonical Attention Whore reference picture.
What she really wants.
What she really wants.

While it is possible for Attention Whores to just simply classified as whores for public attention, it is generally possible to slot them into four, more specific attention whoring categories:

Attention Whore Tactics

Katie Rees (middle) and her band of Attention Whores.
Katie Rees (middle) and her band of Attention Whores.
Attention Whores come in all sizes, colors and creeds.
Attention Whores come in all sizes, colors and creeds.

In order to obtain their necessary daily dosage of attention, Attention Whores will employ variety of tactics. Common examples include:

Beware: If you have sex with one of these people she or he will tell the whole Internets how shit you were. In detail. Even if you're really good. Furthermore, if you end a relationship with an Attention Whore, she may invite the whole world to an online self pity party and reveal to everyone what a evil person you are.

Infamous Attention Whores

See here

Youtube: Home of the Attention Whore

Even effeminate guys can be attention whores, too! BTW he's a ginger. LULz

Gallery of Attention Whores

See Also

External Links

Attention whore is part of a series on  
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Visit the LiveJournal Portal for complete coverage.   

Attention whore is part of a series on Whores.

Attention whore is part of a series on the cancer that is killing /b/.


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