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The original.
The original.
No claim forms!  No upfront costs!  No rejections just because you look like a walrus!
No claim forms! No upfront costs! No rejections just because you look like a walrus!

Diabeetus is a deadly disease that you contract when you eat a lifetime's worth of yummy snacks in 10 minutes. Said to be deadlier than AIDS, this horrible sickness will plague your life, force you to pay attention to shitty medical commercials, and turn you into a fat, wheezing heart attack on legs (or on wheels, if you get wheelchair'd.)

President Taft, in his natural habitat
President Taft, in his natural habitat

[edit] The Disease

Do you have diabeetus?
Do you have diabeetus?

Diabeetus is a much less internets-valuable disease than most others. The diabeetus is usually a good indication that you're an engorged, useless waste of space, which compared to other diseases (like anorexia, which makes you pretty; bipolarism, which makes you unique; and AIDS, which makes you sexually desirable) is worthless in generating sympathy. Those who say "I have diabeetus" in an emotional, cut for "mature matters" post will more often than not be lawled at and flooded with fat insults, resulting in the journal becoming friends only. Those plagued with diabeetus suffer cruelly at the hands of their peers; it's common to feel sorry for them, until you remember that they're fat.

Diabeetus was the final stroke of death for Shay. While in an insane asylum, Shay sat around shitting herself and stuffing her face. One morning, she gobbled up everything in her reach and keeled over dead from diabetic shock. The hospital staff lulzed, as did the rest of the internets, thanks in large part to Jameth.

Dr. Mcninja HATES diabeetus. [1][2]

[edit] The Meme

Diabeetus on Family Guy, which happens to be a very unfunny show.
Diabeetus on Family Guy, which happens to be a very unfunny show.

Originating on /b/, "diabeetus" became a huge enough hit to earn it a place on the /b/eatles. It was used, along with AIDS, as a spamword in the Habbo Raid. It's sometimes used as a nonsense spam on teh boards at 4chan, although quoting anything else from the commercials is considered un-1337, unless it's "these are my testing supplies". It's also a popular choice for mini-memes, and was one of the first to be used in the reaction meme. It didn't do so great with the YTMND crowd [3][4] :-( But that didn't stop it from getting a lulzy redirect on Wikipedia, and even got some edits past the Keepers of Knowledge, describing the meme. The usual participants in the War on Memes still haven't caught it.

It's official: you are a joke.
It's official: you are a joke.

Diabeetis.com popped up in June 2006, and included pix, videos and even a gay little game. Unfortunately, this did not stop them from FAILing for misspelling the name. Pretty much all the internet attention Wilford Brimley will ever get; he will die after many years (probably of diabeetus, lol) with the deep shame of being immortalized as a joke instead of an actor. The probability of everyone being able to keep a straight face at his funeral is less than zero, especially if /b/ decides to raid his memorial services like they did to Mitchell Henderson's E-funeral. ALSO ACCORDING TO GTA 4 DIABEETUS IS A LIE

[edit] The Face

Wilford Brimley's reaction to being lawled at by the internets.
Wilford Brimley's reaction to being lawled at by the internets.

The Face of Diabeetus is actor Wilford Brimley, who went from has-been actor to commercial endorser for Liberty Medical Supplies to laughingstock of the internets. Videos and image macros were made depicting only one word: diabeetus. In the final blow, Diabeetis and Diabeetus were redirected to Wilford Brimley on Wikipedia, forever solidifying his association with diabeetus. The lesson to be learned from this is that a 20+ year career is nothing compared to the internet scorn you can endure if you talk funny. This is often cited in the "for the lulz" theory of the universe.

Was on the TV show Our House with Deidre Hall. It is said that she hid his testing supplies, and he almost died.

According to imdb.com, Brimley was a big fan of president Howard Taft, so much so that he got diabeetus and plastic surgery just to look like him. Srsly. Don't believe me? Go look it up.

[edit] ASCII

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[edit] Gallery

[edit] Famous diabetics

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