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The emo spelling of "hot." The extra "t" indicates that, without any fucking doubt, the subject matter is totally and undeniably hot. See also: totally retarded.

Pronouncation of second "t" may betray regional differences in Netspoken, or how much the fucktard speaking (!) loved Ratt.

Like all Netspeak, escalation has created variants attempting to equate further levels of hotness/hotitude with increasing numbers of "t"s: c.f. NOES!!!!1!!11

If you're hawt enough, you may win a prize.

Regional variant: hawt

German: haught

Also a very hawt planet Anyway, here's hott chicks that are so hott you might not ask them to make you a sammich very often.

[edit] Gallery of Fap

[edit] Not hott

Hott is part of a series on Language & Communication.

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