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Kirby is a transgender pink puff ball who travels the galaxies and stars to fight the likes of Meta Knight and King Dee-Dee-Dee. He was first introduced to the mainstream in Super Smash Bros. to widen his popularity, as no one had ever fucking heard of him before. Most fans of Kirby nowadays consist of 13 year old boys and 16 year old girls. His fanbase also consist of Asians as they are the only ones who could possibly be as short as him.


[edit] Games

Obtained after swallowing melonz.
Obtained after swallowing melonz.

Kirby's Dream Land: This epic adventure chronicles the tale of what happened when Kirby OD'd on helium.

Kirby's Adventure: A favorite among the fans, Kirby's Adventure came out for the Nintendo Erection System. In this game, King Derderder steals the Star Rod and breaks it into pieces because he's OMG EVIL. At the end of the game, the Nightmare flies out of a huge plothole and kicks everyone's ass for no reason.

Kirby's Avalanche: Some kind of Tetris ripoff or something.

Kirby Super Star: Instead of creating another game, the geniuses over at Nintendo just created a bunch of shitty mini-games and stuffed them all into an SNES cartridge. This game is responsible for yet another annoying YouTube fad.

Kirby 64: The Crystal Meth: The only Kirby game made for the Nintendo Sucksty-Fuck. Basically Kirby's Dream Land 3, but without furries and with 3D grafix. So that actually makes it better. Waddle Dee, prepubescent artist, and a giant penguin thingy.

[edit] Reception

Kirby would not be as popular today if he did not make an appearance in Super Smash Bros. FUCKING OBVIOUS. Due to his ability to open his mouth wide and swallow anything that comes inside it he is able to copy whatever he sucks in, and thus is a fucking no good copycat fag. He is a popular choice amongst retards who suck at Super Smash Bros. as you can just spam his fucking rock move and suck-into-the-mouth move over and over again until you win.

Kirby has since become famous across the internets and has appeared in numerous games and movies. He is such a high status symbol, he surpasses Dane Cook on almost every level. It's not exactly hard to surpass Dane Cook in the first place, but he has surpassed him, nonetheless. tl;dr Dane Cook sucks.

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links

Image:Gamecontroller.gif Kirby is part of a series on Gaming.

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