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Maybe if there was an option for "bling-bling" plates, black people would've bought it.
Maybe if there was an option for "bling-bling" plates, black people would've bought it.

Microvision was teh very first handheld video game system evar, released in 1979 by Milton Bradlulz. Unfortunately, nobody gave a shit at the time, because all it could play were rudimentary versions of games like bowling and Breakout. In fact, all of the graphics consisted of little tiny black blocks.

Its saving grace was its customizable face-plates, which held the ROM chip to play the games. A makeup kit was included to make your face-plate look like a whore. There were only around ten games released for it, and it was ultimately discontinued a few years later before the company could come out with a nigga face-plate.

Image:Gamecontroller.gif Microvision is part of a series on Gaming.

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