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Typical use of "typical."
Typical use of "typical."

Typical is a word that gets used on Encyclopedia Dramatica a lot. A whole hell of a lot. As in, there are more search pages for the word "typical" and "Encyclopedia Dramatica" than there are actual articles on ED.

Typically, "typical" is used to typify a certain subject, typically one in image captions or in the body of an article. However typical it is to use "typical" in an article, it is generally typically accepted on ED when you have nothing funnier to say.

List of Articles with the Word "Typical":


[edit] How to Make "Typical" Work for YOU!

To make "typical" work for you, follow these easy steps:

  1. Write/edit an article.
  2. Place image in article, but instead of using a humorous caption, simply write "Typical [subject]." Note: This is much more effective when the image uploaded is in fact atypical for the subject matter.
  3.  ?????
  4. PROFIT!

Bonus points if you shove your image to the top of the article, pushing all the other non-typical ones down.

Failure to get "typical" to work for you typically means that you're a retard.

[edit] Uses on Wikipedia

Typical and its derivative "typically" is used profusely on Wikipedia, either as a way of reducing the already short vocabulary of its readers or to underline idiotic remarks. With no shame whatsoever, Wikipedos have mastered the technique of using typical/typically on more than 80,000 entries so far, sometimes twice or thrice in the same entry.

Examples include:

  • The typical girth or circumference [of the penis] is approximately 12.3 cm (4.85 in) when fully erect.
  • The typical Anal Cunt song is short and loud with extremely distorted guitars played randomly up and down the neck...
  • Castrations after the onset of puberty will typically reduce the sex drive considerably or eliminate it altogether.
  • Her columns are typically highly critical of liberals and Democrats. (from Ann Coulter)
  • While not the same kind of penis envy as that typically referred to in psychoanalysis, the phrase "penis envy" or "small penis syndrome" is also sometimes used to describe the envy of a male over another male's penis.
  • Paul opposes programs like federally funded flood insurance (typically supported by coastal and rural representatives).
  • ...the word "propaganda" more typically refers to political or nationalist uses of these techniques or to the promotion of a set of ideas..
  • A typical concept used in some fringe psychotherapies is orgone energy. (from Pseudoscience)

[edit] See Also

<---This Gallery needs MOAR IMAGES

[edit] Links

Typical is part of a series on Language & Communication.

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