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“Anchored in Astrology”
with Debra Clement

every Friday
from 3:00 to 4:00 PM
Pacific Time

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“Anchored in Astrology℠”
with Debra Clement

To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under Heaven…
Ecclesiastes 3:1

Whether it has to do with your relationships, finances or overall concerns for the future, you can benefit from the insights that astrology offers, and you do not have to speak “fluent astrology” to do so.

Debra’s goal is to make people aware of the empowering nature of astrology and to show them the benefits of applying it to their own lives. A student of astrology since she first read Linda Goodman’s “Sun Signs” at age 16, Debra credits this science-based art as the anchor that sustained her through difficult times. Convinced by years of experience that a definite connection exists between the planets and our lives, her purpose as an astrologer is to help people make the most of their planets and planetary cycles, especially the ones that test and challenge them.

Our lives, like fashion, real estate, and the stock market, are cyclical in nature, and the planetary movements act as an “early warning system” that alerts us to opportunities and potential pitfalls. In addition, the signs, locations, and aspects of the planets in a horoscope influence one’s personality, abilities, and purpose in life. By exploring their horoscopes, Debra is able to advise clients on building their strengths, overcoming any weaknesses, and expanding upon their talents.

Such insight is extremely valuable, because it provides clients with specific guidance to assist them in reaching their goals.

Debra offers her audience a truly interactive experience, thereby enabling them to gain more from her show. In addition to taking live callers, she and her guests will also respond to emails on the air, thus providing listeners who are unable or uncomfortable calling in with an opportunity to obtain personal guidance. In addition, at the end of each show Debra will announce the following week’s topic, and listeners who know their date, time and place of birth can visit her website and obtain their horoscope information completely free of charge. With their horoscope information at hand, listeners will be able to receive astrological instruction and advice that is specifically directed to them.

Debra welcomes questions regarding all life areas, but with her Moon in Libra (marriage and one-on-relationships) in a tight partnership with Jupiter (teaching and counseling), it’s no surprise that she particularly enjoys relationship astrology.

To gain a better understanding of yourself, your loved ones, and your life, call in, write in, and tune in to Anchored in Astrology℠ with Debra Clement every Friday at 3:00 p.m. PST (6:00 p.m. EST).

About Debra:

Debra has always been active in more than one profession. In addition to being a professional astrologer for more than 20 years, she is also an attorney admitted to practice in the State of New York. She has served as a Judicial Referee (Foreclosures) for the Supreme Court of New York State and has published articles in the Family Court Review (Blackwell Publishing). She is also a certified real estate instructor and has lectured on contract law as well as condos and co-ops.

Today Debra’s career focuses exclusively on her astrological practice. In addition to offering private readings in person or by telephone, she also lectures, facilitates workshops, and publishes informative articles in a monthly newsletter. She is available for both private and corporate events.

Although astrology is her passion, Debra has always been interested in a vast array of metaphysical subjects including, but not limited to, numerology, tarot, reincarnation and angel therapy. She is a firm believer in the law of attraction and is certified to conduct workshops based upon the teachings of Louise Hay.

Debra is also the founding member of the “Astrology, Spirituality & Inspired Thought” Meetup group located in the Metro New York area. Each month, like-minded souls are invited to gather together to attend free seminars and workshops on various metaphysical topics. In this friendly and engaging environment, members have the opportunity to enrich their lives by sharing their interests, developing new ones, and forming new friendships.

For more information about Debra Clement and Anchored in Astrology℠, visit her website at


February 20, 2009
Job Market Chaos: Gaining an Edge Using Magi Astrology
Guest: Kevin McCorry
“The average American will have had 10 jobs between the ages of 18 and 38. Every year, about one-third of our workforce changes jobs,…” (US Dept of Labor)

For the vast majority of Americans it will never be a matter of if, more so it is a matter of when you will be faced with a change in your job status. In these turbulent economic times employment opportunities are often scarce and the consequences of poor employment choices can be severe.

Magi Astrology (May-ji) is a robust, high tech, research based astrology advanced by The Magi Society, which is the world’s largest organization of scientific astrologers. Using sophisticated computer programs and elegant research design, along with massive amounts statistical analysis, the Magi Society has created a powerfully accurate and amazingly consistent methodology. Magi Astrology eschews the zodiac signs and horoscope houses techniques of traditional astrology. Rather, they favor a much more accurate system based on planetary geometry. The foundation of the methodology is built on multiple planetary alignments, significant geometric shapes, and a more precise application of planetary symbolism. In addition, Magi Astrology strongly embraces heliocentric (Sun centered) astrology and promotes its use alongside geocentric (earth centered) astrology.

According to Magi Astrologer Kevin McCorry, Magi Astrology is a powerful ally in helping you to make great vocational choices. It illuminates the gifts and talents that lead us to fulfillment, uncovering “how” and the “what” of the vocational quest. However, all too often astrologers and their clients mistakenly stop the process at that point. The “when”, “where”, and with “whom” are also essential to the employment mix. The right time, the right place, and the right people are vital components of a successful job experience and Magi Astrology offers many effective tools to help you navigate the often murky waters of the inevitable job transitions that occur throughout your career.

Join us for a discussion on the dynamics of employment, “Magi Style”. We will discuss relevant topics including:

  • Identifying employment planetary alignments in your chart
  • Self employment indicators in a chart
  • Auspicious times to submit an application
  • The importance of your date of hire
  • Incorporation charts and the wealth of information they contain
  • Golden, Silver and Cinderella transits that help you advance your career
  • Heartbreak, Nuclear and Poor House transits that indicate your job may be at risk
  • Astrological strategies to that help you be more effective and valuable at your current job.

    You can learn more about the Magi Society and Magi Astrology at its main website,

About Kevin McCorry:
Kevin McCorry is a Certified Magi Astrologer based in Denver, Colorado, USA. He is one of only four astrologers in the United States to have earned the highest level of certification offered by the Magi Society. Having established his astrology practice in 2000, Kevin has developed a diverse worldwide client base. He consults with both individuals and business, providing them with clarity and insight in an effort to assist them in making great choices. His astrological expertise includes; Relationship Dynamics, Financial and Business, Vocation and Employment, Life Path, Real Estate, Internet and Websites, Sports, and Electional Astrology (the astrology of selecting auspicious days). In addition, he teaches and lectures on Magi Astrology as well as providing support services for other practicing astrologers.

For more information and a full listing of his consulting services, visit his website or you may email him at for a quote on a consultation.

February 27, 2009
Astrological Symbols: Their Effect on the Subconscious Mind
Guest: Gabriel Gomes

Throughout the ages and into today’s modern times, astrological symbols have been used to influence people on a subconscious level. Prior to the introduction of the written word, people communicated by using symbols. Today, we react strongly to symbols on an unconscious level because this form of communication has been built into our DNA.

Join me as Gabriel Gomes offers reveals look at how advertisers have been using astrological language and symbols in their ads for years to elicit emotional—and subliminal—responses from us to favor their products. In addition to their use for marketing purposes, Gabriel will also demonstrate how the government and the media also utilize astrology to help sway our opinions.

About Gabriel Gomes:
A Shaman, healer and medical intuitive, Gabriel comes from a long line of healers, soothsayers and holy wise people of Druid, Persian, Moroccan, Portuguese, Italian, French, Carpathian, and Ukrainian descent. Fate eventually brought him to the United Sates, and he has been a naturalized American citizen since 1967. Gabriel first became aware of his gifts when he was between two and three years of age, when he came to realize that things were often not as they appeared to be, and moreover, all things and beings were connected, but they were not simultaneously cognitive or conscious of it. As he explored the third-dimensional world through his physical senses, Gabriel soon began to experience it with his intuitive “third eye” as well. Through the knowledge and enlightenment gained through his “true perceiver,” Gabriel was able to identify and comprehend his spiritual path, which is that of a healer and teacher.

Gabriel is a highly respected metaphysical and Past/Future Life Revision Counselor, as well as a certified hypnotist, a certified neuro-linguistic counselor and instructor (NLP), and a Dō-In/Shiatsu/Acupressure practitioner and teacher. Gabriel is a certified hypno-kinesiologist, nutritional counselor, Bach Flower Essence therapist, aroma therapist, reflexologist, certified microscopist and herbologist and employs these arts in his healing work. A Master Teacher, Gabriel lectures extensively on all of the foregoing subjects.

For more information about his services, you may reach Gabriel by email at, by telephone at 516·650·3221, or by regular mail at Gabriel Gomes, PO BOX 911, Hicksville, NY 11802.


February 13, 2009


Romance Readings!
Yes, it’s “Friday the 13th,” but with the Moon in relationship-minded Libra and Valentine’s Day tomorrow, it’s also the perfect time to discuss romance in the natal chart.

There’s so much more to love and commitment in the horoscope than just the signs on your fifth and seventh houses, and here’s your chance to gain some insight into your own romantic profile.

Call me at 877.230.3062 with your birth date, time and location to find out what the planets have to say about YOUR love life!

February 6, 2009


Medical Astrology
Guest: Diane L. Cramer

Today I welcome medical astrologer Diane L. Cramer, who will discuss the connection between the birth chart and common health issues. The natal chart is a valuable tool for determining strengths and weaknesses in the body as well as proneness to specific types of diseases. One can also gain nutritional information and treatment options from a chart as well as periods of stress in the life that can affect health.

Disclaimer: The material presented on and during this broadcast is for informational and for entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice or meant to replace, or to be used for the purpose of, a medical diagnosis. Ms. Cramer is not a licensed physician or medical doctor. For a medical diagnosis, see a licensed medical doctor or physician.

About Diane L. Cramer:
Diane L. Cramer is a consulting astrologer, lecturer and teacher in all aspects of astrology in New York City. She specializes in writing and instructing on medical astrology and nutrition. She is the author of How To Give An Astrological Health Reading (AFA), Dictionary of Medical Astrology (AFA), and Managing Your Health And Wellness (Llewellyn). Diane has masters and post-masters degrees in Education from Hunter College in New York City and a BA in English, Speech and Journalism from the University of Florida. She is certified Level IV by the NCGR. Diane is a member of the education faculty of the NCGR in New York City and has published articles on medical astrology in both the NCGR Journal and the AFA Bulletin as well as the Uranian Journal of the Uranian SIG. She has also been featured in Dell Horoscope.

Diane offers private instruction on all levels of astrology and is available for lectures on Medical Astrology. She also offers a wide range of Astrology Readings, including Natal Chart Interpretations, Health Readings, Synastry Reports, Electional Charts, Solar Return Interpretations and Astrological Forecasts.

You can contact Diane by telephone at 212-288-6232 or by email at

ARCHIVES: Click here for a complete archived list of past shows.

Kristin & David Morelli

Debra Clement

Email Debra

(516) 319-5639


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