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A grenade for "obliterating" psychiatry.
A grenade for "obliterating" psychiatry.
David Miscarriage: "Apocalypse Now" for shrinks
David Miscarriage: "Apocalypse Now" for shrinks
Dunces on parade
Dunces on parade
Good times
Good times
Nothing pisses off the SciFagits more than knowing how badly they've failed in their goal.
Nothing pisses off the SciFagits more than knowing how badly they've failed in their goal.
Anti-psychiatrist dox
Anti-psychiatrist dox

Psychiatrists are the evil, vicious, destructive, greedy, nasty people who receive millions of dollars from the Government in order to conduct sadistic experiments on helpless people, ruining their lives, and also to prescribe poisonous "medications" to people that will actually make them crazy. They control the German Government and Secret Service and are responsible for the Holocaust. They are an ancient evil that have been a problem for billions of years. They assisted Lord Xenu's mass-murder of trillions of beings, 75 million years ago.

At least, this is what the Scientology cult believes them to be.

What Scientologists are saying about Psychiatrists!

Hubbard taped lecture of 13 Nov 1956, "Aberration and The Sixth Dynamic"

"But now, if you really want to make one worse, I'm afraid that you have to go in for mechanical assists. I think you do. I think it takes a mechanical assist like a fist, or it takes[...] Well, I'll tell you the best one I know; how's that? The best one I know is to take a sheet of glass and put it in front of the preclear -- clear, very clear glass -- which is supercooled, preferably about a -100 centigrade. You got that? Supercooled, you know? And then put the preclear right in front of this supercooled sheet of glass and suddenly shove his face into the glass. Now, that's pretty good. I mean, that was developed about five billion years ago by a whole-track psychiatrist.
"The mechanism of brainwashing which I gave you, with supercold mechanisms and so forth, is very well known, was used very extensively in the Maw Confederation of the Sixty-third Galaxy. They had a total psychiatric control of all of their officers and executives, and when they got tired of them they used this specific method of brainwashing."

HCO Bulletin of 31 May 1977, "LSD - Years After They Have 'Come Off' LSD"

"The way LSD got popular was because of Henry Luce, the head of Time Magazine, who publicized it and glorified it from mid-1950 on. He and his wife were under psychiatric care and were on LSD.
"Nearly as I can trace it, it [LSD] was the Nazi intelligence drug developed in Switzerland and was probably intended for use in municipal water systems to paralyze the population just prior to an invasion as the invading enemy would then find them all irrational."

Miscavige, 2006: "Our global campaign to obliterate psychiatry." Scary shit.

Office of LRH, Confidential, "Project Psychiatry", 22 Feb 1966

"A psychiatrist today has the power to (1) take a fancy to a woman (2) lead her to take wild treatment as a joke (3) drug and shock her to temporary insanity (4) incarnate her (5) use her sexually (6) sterilise her to prevent conception (7) kill her by a brain operation to prevent disclosure. (7) ??????????? (8) PROFIT!!!! And all with no fear of reprisal. Yet it is rape and murder.
"We want at least one bad mark on every psychiatrist in England, a murder, an assault, or a rape or more than one.
"This is Project Psychiatry. We will remove them."

L. Ron Hubbard in Freedom Scientology early in 1969, "International Edition No. 1"

"While western countries are spending billions fighting terrorist activities abroad they are neglecting the one they have at home.
The psychiatrist and his front groups operate straight out of the terrorist text- books.
Setting himself up as a terror symbol, the psychiatrist kidnaps, tortures and murders without any slightest police interference or action by western security forces.
A psychiatrist kills a young girl for sexual kicks, murders a dozen patients with an ice pick, castrates a hundred men. And they give him another million appropriation."

Current cult leader David Miscarriage, 1995

"Let's get rid of psychiatry, and let's bring Scientology to every man, woman and child on this planet."

See also

Psychiatrists is part of a series on Scientology

LOL TECH: Scientology - Dianetics - Disconnection - Child Abuse - Saint Hill - Scientology's History of the Universe - Sec Check - Freewinds - Sea Org - Glossary - Religious Freedom Watch - Volunteer Ministers - OSA - Space Opera
SCILONS: L. Ron Hubbard - David Miscarriage - Tom Cruise - Scientology Agents - Footbullet Man - Rogues Gallery - Suri Cruise - Terryeo - Heaven's Gate - The Regime - Evil Jacket Guy - Joe Feshbach - VaLLarrr - Jonathan Barbera - Jake Vigil - John Carmichael - Freezone - Captain Bill Robertson - Danny Masterson - Will Smith - Tommy Davis - Oschaper - Kendrick Moxon - Tim Armer - John Travolta - Jett Travolta
NOTORIOUS SPs: Anonymous - Wise Beard Man - Jason Beghe - Gas Mask Girl - Magoo - New Zealand Fail Guy - Message from Scientology - Shawn Lonsdale - Rorschach - New York Nurse - Moralfags - Leaderfags - Raidfag Wench - James Packer - Epic Nose Guy - Stu Wyatt - Tommy Gorman - Psychiatrists - Marcab Confederacy - Marvin Gaye - Epic Sword Guy - Agent Pubeit
ENTURBULULZ: PROJECT CHANOLOGY (portal page) - Enturbulation - A Scientologist's Guide to 4chan - The Geterator - Mrfetch - - You Found the Card - /i/ - alt.religion.scientology - Complete binge of LEAKED SCILON DOX - 888chan

Psychiatrists is part of a series on
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