Rice out

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A metaphor for Anne's career
A metaphor for Anne's career
Anne Rice pwned this webpage
Anne Rice pwned this webpage

To make a spectacle of oneself in response to literary criticism by insisting that one's creative work is superior in all aspects. Named after author Anne Rice (sucking black hole of drama that she is) in response to her notorious hissy fit on Amazon, in which she denounced the "sheer outrageous stupidity" of the negative reviews that dared to suggest that maybe - just maybe - she should've allowed an editor to look at her latest self indulgent, craptacular excuse for a novel. The reviewers blasted back, starting a flame war and necessitating a 9/11 call for the waaaambulance, the entire mess stopping just moments before anyone could mention nazis. She even goes so far as to have a mini-rant about how she is being slandered. Who would have expected such neurotic drama from an author who specializes in blood-sucking undead heroes and BDSM fantasies?

A Rice Out can also refer to an author throwing a tantrum about fanfiction because of Rice's determination to threaten and harass the 16 year old girls who write it. Anne Rice wants everyone to know just how much she pwns.

Quotes from the humble author to her grateful fans:

  • "The sheer outrageous stupidity of many things you've said here that actually touches my proletarian and Democratic soul." -- Anne Rice
  • "Be assured of the utter contempt I feel for you." -- Anne Rice
  • "I'm justifiably proud of being read by intellectual giants and waitresses in trailer parks,in fact, I love it, but who in the world are you?" -- Anne Rice
  • "If any of you want to say anything about all this by all means Email me at Anneobrienrice@mac.com. And if you want your money back for the book, send it to 1239 First Street, New Orleans, La, 70130. I'm not a coward about my real name or where I live." -- Anne Rice (Note that Ms. Rice issued this challenge prior to Katrina pwning New Orleans. Perhaps the hurricane was just God's response to reading Blood Canticles. Note also that Rice no longer lived at that address when she made her money-back guarantee, and nobody has received their money back from her.)

See Also


To buy a crappy Japanese car or motorcycle ("rice grinder") and proceed to "trick it out", adding "spinners" and "decals" and "ground effects" so everyone can "point" and "laugh" because "you" look like a "fag". The aftermath of this process is a vehicle which is referred to by onlookers as a "ricer" followed by muted giggling so as to avoid getting beaten up by embarrassingly skinny Azn kids.

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