Social networking sites

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One of the earliest Social Networking Sites.
One of the earliest Social Networking Sites.
MySpace: A place for Fail.
MySpace: A place for Fail.
Social Networking in action.
Social Networking in action.

Social networking sites are a Web 2.0 method of allowing nobodies to feel like somebodies. Since the best way to get click-throughs and page views is to convince your reader that his/her opinions matter, social networking technology has managed to harness the latent attention-whore tendencies of even the most innocuous internets users for massive profit.


[edit] Bebo

Moar info: Bebo.

Bebo was created by a leftard as a refuge for emos. In reality, it was all part of his elaborate plan to exterminate the emo population. He knew their enemies,(everyone) would find out about this site and tell them how emo they were. This would send them into a further depression and increase the chance of an emo ACTUALLY COMMITTING SUICIDE FOR ONCE.The plan has slowly begun to take effect. Bebo also enjoys ripping off features from other social networking sites such as Face book applications... which was originally full of fail to start with...

...apart from the Leekspin application which is exclusively available on Bebo and the only good thing about it.

[edit] Facebook

Moar info: Facebook.

Mark Zuckerberg is a Harvard drop-out and creator of the college social networking website, Facebook. Facebook is a great place for stalkers, teens, druggies, and people conceited enough to think anyone gives a shit about their pathetic social lives. We all know you have no friends.

[edit] Habbo

Moar info: Habbo.

Oddly enough, Habbo is indeed qualified as a Social Networking site, but targeted at children who have parents that are attempting to protect them from the real world and themselves under the guise of pedophilia. What started as a visual chatroom has become something far larger, with it's own social cliques. Invented by someone in Finland, but nobody cares about that bit. All that can be said for sure about Habbo is, the pool is closed, no matter who you ask.

[edit] Myspace

Moar info: Myspace.

Rupert Murdoch was the first to discover the secret Jewish operation. Once the internet was created he countered the Jewish threat by allowing good god fearing Christians easy access. They were thus able to set up political groups and complain about the Jews. This effectively caused the Jews to complain about these groups and thus Myspace politics was born.

[edit] Piczo

Moar info: Piczo.

Piczo is basically Myspace for high school freshmen but with more emphasis on pictures, broken HTML and overlapping images & text. At first glance you'd think you were looking at a geoshitties site from 1997, however it's assuring that a decade later the new generation of kids are doing exactly the same.

[edit] Stickam

Moar info: stickam.

Stickam is a gigantic camwhore community where 16 year old girls get chat rooms full of 13 year old boys to masturbate at them on camera by being big teases. However the real lulz is the fact that both the boys and girls are all video recordings being played by pedophiles.

[edit] Tagworld

Moar info: TagWorld.

Tagworld is a site that sucks as much as all the rest. They like to boast about amazing features but don't realize no one gives a fuck. No one uses their site because no one else uses their site.

[edit] Xanga

Moar info: Xanga.

Xanga was set up by an anonymous hobo living in South America so that all South Americans could talk about how poor they are. Most of its members have actually come around to realizing just how sucky the site is.

Social networking sites
is part of a series on Web 2.0
Web 2.0Social networkingSocial networking sitesBloggingBlogospherePHPPodcastingWikiingAjaxRuby on RailsInternet HumanitarianismX is not your personal armyUser-generated contentITunes Store

Web 2.0 Sites
bebo | Blingee | Broadcaster | chacha | deviantart | digg | facebook | gossip report | | | livejournal | livevideo | mycrib | MySpace | slashdot | stickam | wikipedia | xanga | yahoo! answers | YouTube | ytmnd

People of Web 2.0
Tom Anderson | Steve Chen | Brad Fitzpatrick | Max Goldberg | Michael Crook | Iain Hall | Chad Hurley | Kevin Rose | Kathy Sierra | Jimmy Wales | You | Mark Zuckerberg

Social networking sites is part of a series on Language & Communication.

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