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IMDb > Kaylee Frye (Character)
Kaylee Frye
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Kaylee Frye (Character)
from "Firefly" (2002)

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The Serenity goes to the moon of Deadwood to answer a distress call from Inara's old friend who runs a brothel.
What starts out as a nice day at a space station goes very wrong when Mal and Zoe receives the corpse of their old war buddy in the mail.
Mal has to make a tough choice in whether he should trust his ex-wife again as she offers the Serenity crew an opportunity to make a lot of money.

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Kaywinnet Lee Frye "Kaylee" is the ever optimistic... more
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  1. Serenity (2005) Played by Jewel Staite (as Kaylee)
  2. "Firefly"
    ... aka Firefly: The Series (USA: long title)
    ... aka Josh Whedon's Firefly (Australia)
        - Heart of Gold (2003) TV episode, Played by Jewel Staite
        - The Message (2003) TV episode, Played by Jewel Staite
        - Trash (2003) TV episode, Played by Jewel Staite
        - Serenity (2002) TV episode, Played by Jewel Staite
        - Objects in Space (2002) TV episode, Played by Jewel Staite
          (9 more)

Additional Details

Sci-Fi / Drama / Action / Adventure more

Fun Stuff

From "Firefly: The Message (#1.14)" (2003)
Simon: And your eyes are...
Kaylee: Yeah, eyes, yeah?


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