Encyclopedia of Stupid

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Encyclopedia Of Stupid is stupid.

Encyclopedia of Stupid or EOS is a new wiki created in 1984 by a gang of Something Awful goons who apparently felt that the SA forums alone were not enough to satisfy their fucktardedness, so they must now multiply and spread their old memes to new areas of the Internets. In other words, just another parody of TOW that tries (but fails miserably) to be as good as Encyclopedia Dramatica.

The Site

Because it is new and nobody gives a shit about it, EOS still has no more than 99 articles. Most of these consist of either short, unfunny one-liners or shitty attempts to copy Zack Parson's writing style with angry, PMS-induced rants dealing with boring goon-related subjects such as Family Guy or Scientology. Even worse, the contributors, for whatever reason, believe that using the phrase "_____ is stupid" is OMG laugh out loud comedy and thus find it absolutely necessary to add it repeatedly to EVERY FUCKING ARTICLE ON THE SITE.

In conclusion, EOS is nothing more than a lame, sub-par, ED-wannabe. To its credit, it is still much more entertaining and funnier than Uncyclopedia. Then again, even Jerry Seinfeld is funnier than Uncyclopedia.

Zen444 tried writing e-larious articles for the site, so it'd be even more fucktarded, but all of them got deleted for not including "So and so is stupid." And because he is a filthy cuntrag. But for some reason, he didn't fit in with them.

They also ought to be sued for stealing the lulzy phrase "lol dongs" from Encyclopedia Dramatica.

Image:The only edit that day.JPG

See also

External link

Encyclopedia of Stupid
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