Xiu Xiu, Fuck Buttons, Hauschka, Richter Play Unsound

Xiu Xiu, Fuck Buttons, Hauschka, Richter Play Unsound

Unsound? Seems pretty solid to me. Indeed, it would appear the Unsound Festival-- bowling over several Krakow, Poland locales the week of October 18-25-- is built on a firm foundation of experimental and electronic music of various stripes.

Xiu Xiu, Fuck Buttons, Hauschka, Max Richter, Jan Jelinek, Colleen, Boxcutter, Nôze, Autistic Daughters, Pinch, Mark Templeton, Nsi., Németh, Pan American, Skream, the Sight Below, Michael Nyman, and Ben Frost will be among those making a racket at Unsound, alongside many panels, workshops, art installations, and more.

One such not-strictly-musical event is a workshop led by Pitchfork contributor Philip Sherburne and focusing on music journalism, a subject we like to think he knows a thing or two about.

Posted by Paul Thompson on Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 12:40pm