
Statistics Touring Next Month with Engine Down
And then we're going to North Carolina, and South Carolina, and Florida, and Louisiana, and then we're going to Texas and take over the capitol....hyyyeaaaahhh!!!

[Updated Tuesday, January 27th, 2004 04:00:00 Pitchfork Central Time]

In the wake of Denver Dalley's full-length debut under the Statistics handle (Leave Your Name, out this week on Jade Tree), the Blue Oyster Cult-- wait, make that Desaparecidos-- side project will be hitting the highway next month to support the album, which follows on the heels of 2003's hard-to-classify self-titled EP.

The month-long jaunt will take D. Dalley and co. all over this great land of ours-- except the northeast. Sorry northeast, you get fucked this time. Maybe you should consider moving to Florida. Engine Down, which features among its ranks former members of Sleepytime Trio, The Weak Link Breaks, and Bughummer, will be making the trip with them. Dates (all with Engine Down):

02-04 Carrboro, NC - Go Rehearsal *
02-05 Columbia, SC - New Brookland Tavern *
02-06 St. Augustine, FL - Cafe Eleven *
02-07 Gainesville, FL - Common Grounds *
02-08 Tampa, FL - The Orpheum *
02-09 Orlando, FL - The Social *
02-11 Baton Rouge, LA - Spanish Moon *
02-12 Houston, TX - Mary Jane's Fat Cat *
02-13 Denton, TX - Hailey's *
02-14 Austin, TX - Emo's *
02-16 Tucson, AZ - Solar Culture +
02-17 San Diego, CA - The Casbah +
02-18 West Hollywood, CA - Troubadour +
02-19 San Francisco, CA - Bottom of the Hill +
02-20 Portland, OR - Nocturnal +
02-21 Tacoma, WA - University of Puget Sound +
02-25 Denver, CO - Rock Island #
02-26 Kansas City, MO - Spitfire #
02-27 Ames, IA - The Maintenance Shop #
02-28 Minneapolis, MN - Triple Rock #
03-01 Detroit, MI - Shelter #

* with Moments in Grace and Decahedron
+ with The Velvet Teen
# with The Jealous Sound

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