
Lyrics Born Tours America

Fresh off of killing 'em at Coachella, Lyrics Born is ready to tear it down all across America. The Bay Area rapper stared things off last night in Portland, Oregon, heads down the West Coast through the end of May, makes his way to festival appearances at Bonnaroo and Lollapalooza, stops at an Indiana skatepark, and finishes off in Boston in August. The kids sure do love their skatin' and MCin'. Just ask Lupe Fiasco.

While the shows stop at the end of summer, the Lyrics Born "live" experience doesn't necessarily have to end, too. According to his website, mixes for the Lyrics Born live album are going through their first round of approval and new studio tracks for the album are in various stages of recording and mixing, too. The mastering deadline is desperately trying to be met, so unless all those pesky tour dates get in the way, expect the album to drop late summer. In between mixing his own album, hitting live dates, and keeping various other plates spinning, Lyrics Born is also mixing and recording the debut solo album from his wife, Joyo Velarde, which features production from RJD2, Jumbo, Headnodic, Lyrics Born, and Jake One. It's a family affair.

Born again:

05-19 Seattle, WA - Neumos
05-20 Bellingham, WA - The Nightlight Lounge #
05-21 Eugene, OR - WOW Hall
05-27 Solana Beach, CA - Belly Up Tavern
05-31 Santa Cruz, CA - Moes Alley
06-03 Fairfax, CA - 19 Broadway
06-03 Benbow, CA - Benbow Lake State Recreation Area
06-04 Manchester, TN - Bonnaroo
06-17 Indianapolis, IN - Major Taylor Skate Park
06-18 Cleveland Heights, OH - Grog Shop
06-20 Bloomington, IN - Bluebird Nightclub
06-21 Newport, KY - Southgate House
06-22 Chicago, IL - The Abbey Pub
06-23 Milwaukee, WI - Stonefly Brewery
06-24 Clarks Grove, MN - Harmony Park Music Garden
07-27 Santa Monica, CA - Santa Monica Pier ^
08-05 Chicago, IL - Lollapalooza
08-11 Boston, MA - Paradise

# with Kid Beyond
^ with Daara J

Tue: 04-01-08 Mon: 03-31-08 Fri: 03-28-08 Thu: 03-27-08 Wed: 03-26-08 Tue: 03-25-08 Mon: 03-24-08 Fri: 03-21-08 Thu: 03-20-08 Wed: 03-19-08 Tue: 03-18-08 Mon: 03-17-08 Sat: 03-15-08 Fri: 03-14-08 Thu: 03-13-08 Wed: 03-12-08 Tue: 03-11-08 Mon: 03-10-08 Fri: 03-07-08 Thu: 03-06-08 Wed: 03-05-08 Tue: 03-04-08 Mon: 03-03-08 Sun: 03-02-08