Wilco Nix UK Gigs, Add 2008 Dates

Wilco Nix UK Gigs, Add 2008 Dates Photo by Kathryn Yu

Looks like somebody in Wilco's camp forgot to save the date. According to the band's website, the good ship S.S. Wilco won't be docking in UK ports of call this fall, as "a scheduling conflict" has forced the cancellation of a pack of English gigs. Take heart though, Manchester, Newcastle, Birmingham, and London: Wilco "hope to schedule new UK dates soon."

And while one corner of the world gets the shaft, another will be seeing clouds of white and skies of Sky Blue. Wilco has added a March 2008 tour of Australia and New Zealand (smart move-- it's still summer there for most of March) since our last report, popping off March 18 in Sydney.

Meanwhile, residents of Belgium, Spain, and Ireland needn't worry, as Wilco will still head their way next month.

Thanks to reader Daniel Walmsley for the tip-off.

Wilco, not Wilco:

10-28 New Orleans, LA - Voodoo Music Experience
11-02 Manchester, England - Manchester Academy
11-03 Newcastle, England - Newcastle Academy
11-04 Birmingham, England - Birmingham Academy
11-05 London, England - Brixton Academy

11-06 Brussels, Belgium - Cirque Royal
11-08 Barcelona, Spain - Razzmatazz
11-09 Madrid, Spain - Riviera
11-10 Zaragoza, Spain - Sala Oasis
11-11 Bilbao, Spain - Euskalduna
11-14 Dublin, Ireland - Vicar Street
11-15 Dublin, Ireland - Vicar Street
03-18 Sydney, Australia - Enmore Theatre
03-19 Brisbane, Australia - The Tivoli
03-20 Byron Bay, Australia - East Coast Blues Festival
03-22 Auckland, New Zealand - New Zealand Festival
03-23 Wellington, New Zealand - Front Room
03-26 Melbourne, Australia - Palace Theatre
03-27 Melbourne, Australia - Palace Theatre
Posted by Matthew Solarski on Fri, Oct 26, 2007 at 10:10am