Kwame Kilpatrick recall (2008)

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Historical recalls
Recall news
Recall laws

Kwame Kilpatrick, the mayor of Detroit, Michigan, faced a recall campaign against him prior to his resignation.[1]

56,970 signatures were required to initiate a recall election. The signatures must be collected in a 90-day period that falls anytime within a 180-day windown that started on April 28 when Wayne County elections officials approved the recall language.

The primary organizer of the Kilpatrick recall effort was Angelo Brown, a security guard from southwest Detroit. The language on the approved recall petition said, "Kwame Kilpatrick is too preoccupied to be effective as mayor of Detroit with felony perjury charges."

Whistle-blower scandal

Kilpatrick earned the ire of Brown and others because of an $8.4 million payout the city of Detroit made to settle whistleblower lawsuits in 2007.

See also


  1. Detroit News, Election panel approves petition to recall Kilpatrick, April 29, 2008
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