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Black people can rock a fedora with the best of them, even though a law was passed that they couldn't wear cool hats like this until 2009.
Black people can rock a fedora with the best of them, even though a law was passed that they couldn't wear cool hats like this until 2009.

The Fedora is the undisputed king of all hats, invented by top headwear scientists in the 1930s. All hats are lesser compared to the almighty fedora. The fedora has a small to medium-sized brim, and its main section is creased down the middle and pinched at the front end. The fedora is the elusive third piece of the three-piece suit


The Fedora in Media

A hat to die for.
A hat to die for.

The fedora has made a reputation for itself in various forms of media, examples include:

  • Everybody in the Godfather movies
  • Everybody in Cinderella Man (despite the title)
  • Indiana Jones
  • Rocky Balboa
  • Humphrey Bogart
  • Young Indiana Jones
  • Al Roker, but he only straight-up rocks that shit on chilly days.
  • Inspector Gadget, and his had a helicopter built into it.
  • Freddy Krueger
  • Run-DMC
  • Some of the chicks from that Chicago movie, this is what is known in The Biz as "Pure Sex"
  • Probably some anime characters.
  • I think that dude from Bleach has one, but it's white with green stripes and poorly drawn.
  • This crazy Butterfly-Mobster from those Shin Tsuemeinamagami games, the ones where they kill themselves to summon grimdark Pokémon.
  • Your mother
  • Pimps
  • Anonymous
Even a video game, Vito Corleone rocks a fedora better than you can.
Even a video game, Vito Corleone rocks a fedora better than you can.

The Fedora Today

The fedora was hunted nearly to extinction at least 100 years ago when they invented dumbass little round hats around the 1940s and then later baseball caps. Now fedoras are found primarily on urban-type hipster assholes who aren't worthy of wearing the apex of hat technology.

Kingdom of Loathing and the Fedora

The MMORPG Kingdom of Loathing, a MUD-like MMORPG populated by stick-figures and pencil-doodles, places quite a lot of emphasis on the fedora as an equipable armor item, most notably 1337speek "f3d0r4"s and clockwork fedoras. Pr0ns, sleazy crayfish from the seamy underbelly of internet pr0nography, also wear fedoras while appearing as monsters.

The fedora in its natural habitat: The 1930s
The fedora in its natural habitat: The 1930s


Apparently L. Ron Hubbard thinks fedora hats are an evil from a past alien civilization, and Scientologists are forbidden to wear them. Of course, there is a picture of L. Ron from before he started Scientology wearing a fedora, but they like to keep that hidden.

See: The Marcab Confederacy for main article.

The Fedora as Softwarez

You can plug your hat into the Matrix and many lulz will ensue; doing this also has the benefit of providing a permanent +6 charisma enchantment to your fedora, and adds the "Jaunty" and "Rakish" commands to its setlist.

No, Srsly: The Fedora as Softwarez

"Fedora Core is an RPM-based Linux distribution, developed by the community-supported Fedora Project and sponsored by Red Hat. The name derives from Red Hat's characteristic fedora used in its "Shadowman" logo. However, the Fedora community project had existed as a volunteer group providing extra software for the Red Hat Linux distribution before Red Hat got involved as a direct sponsor.

Fedora aims to be a complete, general-purpose operating system built from open source software. Fedora is designed to be easily installed and configured with a simple graphical installer and the 'system-config' suite of configuration tools."

Results of a Google image-search for "Trilby" yields Fedoras.  Google is Truth.
Results of a Google image-search for "Trilby" yields Fedoras. Google is Truth.

Vs. the Trilby

There is virtually no difference between Fedoras and Trilbies, but the dastardly Jew cabal that pulls the strings of Wikipedia and the world at large would have you believe otherwise. According to Wikipedia a Trilby is "a soft felt men's hat with a narrow brim and a deeply indented crown." while a Fedora is described as "a soft felt hat that is creased lengthwise down the crown and pinched in the front on both sides." Wut. I think a Trilby might be a tiny bit narrower than a Fedora, but beyond that it's the same hat. I will kill myself if you can prove the two styles of the hat are significantly different, but you can't, so I wont.

The Trilby is not to be confused with Trilby, the dashing gentleman-thief from those spiffy point-and-click Adventure games made by Yahtzee Croshaw, that guy who talks really fast about crummy videogames. Unlike the Angry Video Game Nerd, Yahtzee Croshaw covers more recent crummy games and wears a Fedora/Trilby IRL.

Trilby, the protagonist of the "X Days a Something" games, seen in his signature gray suit and Fedora.
Trilby, the protagonist of the "X Days a Something" games, seen in his signature gray suit and Fedora.


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