The Destination for Online Charitable Giving

Charity Gift Cards
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Charity Gift Cards

Appropriate for any occasion, gift cards are a thoughtful, meaningful gift.

Charity Wedding Registry
Registry, Favors and Gifts

Charity Registry

A charitable gift registry is a meaningful way
to commemorate your special day.

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The JustGive Guide

The JustGive Guide includes 1,000 charities grouped into 19 categories to make your search easier and faster.

Search Our Database

JustGive's advanced search offers information on nearly 1.5 million charities.

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Keep your Giving Resolution

Resolve to get your finances in order? JustGive makes it a cinch to complete your charitable giving.

Identify your favorite charities and select our monthly giving option. We'll conveniently make the donation for you each month and keep your records in a personal, password-protected Giving History. That's one resolution you can finish now and feel good about all year!

Keep your giving resolution