Sound Team Call It Quits

Sound Team Call It Quits After a brief run in the majors and a handful of releases, Austin's Sound Team have gone and thrown the big game. The game of making music together.

As bassist Bill Baird revealed on his blog late last week (linked via Gorilla vs. Bear), the combo is calling it quits for reasons "numerous and boring."

"I will spare details," he wrote. "They are the typical band problems: stress of the road, diverging tastes, personal tensions, and monetary difficulties. Nothing too dramatic. Just time to move on, that's all."

Baird goes on to list precisely where he and each of his soon-to-be ex-bandmates will be moving on to. All will continue making music in one manner or another, with Baird himself recording as Sunset (aka Silent Sunset) and operating the Big Orange recording studio in Austin.

Wrote Baird in closing, "Having founded the band with Matt [Oliver], I feel emotional about all this. I invested years into the group, dreamt crazy dreams, laughed, toured, made great friends. I regret nothing. The band, in my mind, achieved great success and made fantastic music. I set out with this band to restore a sense of joy and exuberance to musical performance. At our best, we achieved that goal."

Following a gig at their hometown's La Zona Rosa, Sound Team's valedictory performance will take place at the Austin City Limits festival on September 15.

Sound Team:

09-13 Austin, TX - La Zona Rosa
09-15 Austin, TX - Zilker Park (Austin City Limits)
Posted by Matthew Solarski on Mon, Sep 10, 2007 at 3:21pm