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Most homophobes run away in fright when they see this guy.
Most homophobes run away in fright when they see this guy.
Captain Faggo, sworn nemesis of homophobes everywhere. Please note the man behind him is also highly feared.
Captain Faggo, sworn nemesis of homophobes everywhere. Please note the man behind him is also highly feared.
Boy, Lorne Greene sure hated fags!
Boy, Lorne Greene sure hated fags!
lmfao found this on Google image search
lmfao found this on Google image search

Homophobia is a fear/hate of fags, and every single thing related to them. Scientists are finding evidence that it is caused by spontaneous retardation to which there is no known cure.

Also a general term used to describe men who claim to be afraid of gay men, but are really just repressing their underlying tendencies. Some famous homophobic men do not include Shakespeare, although there has been much speculation on this topic.

The homophobic female, while quite the rara avis, is to be feared and shot on sight. The general epithet applied to all conservatives, who may or may not just be thinking that getting it in the ass is disgusting, and don't think fudge packing should necessarily be part of the 5th grade sex-ed curriculum.

A homophobe is:

  1. Anyone who doesn't like synthetikmisery.
  2. Anyone who doesn't like it in the ass.
  3. Anyone who doesn't like Gravitation.
  4. Doc_neuro
  5. An admin of this website.
  6. Anybody who doesn't agree with GoddessMillenia
  7. A Christian



Little is known about the history of homophobia. Early forms of homophobia include running away and screaming like a pussy when you see a homosexual, hiding like a pussy when you see a homosexual, and dying of fear when you see a homosexual.

One of the greatest fears of breeders is the all powerful homosexual agenda. Homos clearly want to take over the world and enslave all breeder kind to a lifetime of rooting the same sex. That is why scientists are seeing a decline in the number of breeders, and if breeders continue to decline at this rate within 10 years they will be extinct.

Another driving fear behind every homophobics beliefs is that a group of gay men will break into his or her house and redecorate it. No breeder wants to live in a tidy house, it just doesn't happen, they would rather swim in their own filth than accept homos.

Thanks to the internets, buttsecks is becoming more and more acceptable. Although there are still some unexplainable cases where people find images of perfectly normal human sexual behavior disturbing. The reason homophobia has lasted so long is because people who claim they are not gay are in fact screaming little faggots in denial.

Homophobia on the Internets

Much like racism, homophobia is a common situation on the internets. For instance, in LJ's liberal community, homophobia is the 4th most used insult, behind "fascist," "George W. Bush lover," and "right wing troll like brainlesswonder."


Homosexuals have often been confused with pedophiles because they both like 13 year old boys. However one noticeable difference is that gays are just as happy to fuck other animals as they are to fuck children.

[See Chart 14]


Sometimes homophobia is a much-needed weapon when surfing the interbutts. In these cases, homophobia must be used against these faggots for great justice and lulz:

Homophobia & Religion

Although over 100% of Christians are actually gay, they are all in denial about their sexuality because God hates fags. Despite teachings of the Old Testament, Jews are most likely to admit they are gay because everybody knows that they got it in the ass during WWII.

However thanks to people like Richard Dawkins, it is now proven that being a pedophile will not damage a person's health or wellbeing. Remember, nobody "decided" to become gay, so all children liek being fucked by a basement-dweller.

Famous Homophobes

We just don't approve!!!1
We just don't approve!!!1

Not to be confused with

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