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The best avatar in the world.
The best avatar in the world.

Whirled is an original game that is nothing like Second Life where users can upload and sell their own avatars created in flash and sell them in the in game store. Of course, players can also buy furniture for their rooms, but nobody cares about that. All players either play as the Pokemon Lucario, something from Naruto, or something free in the shop, since they are too lazy to play games to make any of the game's currency.


[edit] The Store

Whirled allows players to sell furniture, avatars, and backdrops made in flash. Avatars are coded .swf's that players can play as to express their "originality" by playing as someone else's creation. Noobs ignore this, and upload pictures of their favorite Pokemon or television show character and sell them for ungodly prices. This doesn't stop them from complaining about even the cheapest of prices. Why pay a lot when you can just bug the creator to lower the price?

[edit] Currency

Average reaction to Whirled's currency system.
Average reaction to Whirled's currency system.

When pricing an object, the creator has the choice to sell it in coins or bars. When selling in coins, the creator gets virtual money when someone buys. When priced in bars, the creator receives Bling which can be cashed out for money IRL whenever an item sells. One bar is equal to at least one bling which is worth nine cents. The creator only receives 30% of earnings, though, meaning for every bar's worth they sell they get three cents. In over 9,000 weeks, the creator will have made at least 100 cents.

[edit] How to Win

Unlike Second Life, there is a scoring system in Whirled.

  • 1. Join.
  • 2. Upload at least 100 pictures of Naruto or Pikachu in the avatars section.
  • 3. Complain about how high avatar prices are.
  • 4. Buy an avatar of Lucario.
  • 5. Walk into a heavily populated area.
  • 6. ????
  • 7. PROFIT!

Bonus Points: Use a piece of CP as an avatar in a heavily populated area and time how long it takes to get banned.

[edit] DevianTards

In hope of winning a new MacBook, flocks of Deviant artists joined whirled after devianTART started a contest to create the coolest room. This contest made furniture important, and thus the furniture market prospered, at the price of Retards running all over whirled.

[edit] People Who Play Whirled

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links

Image:Gamecontroller.gif Whirled is part of a series on Gaming.

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