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Dragons are the quintessential beast whose presence can be found in all manner of unrelated cultures. Christians, Azns, Africans, Mexicans and your mom all conceived of the dragon without knowledge of the other cultures or their dragons. Although they are found in all cultures, they always horde vast amounts of gold and as such is evident that all dragons are indeed Jews.

Dragons were, at one point, completely badass. Sadly, what with their incorporation into the furfag community and the way they've been constantly associated with complete fucking idiots, dragons have become the stuff of shitty fanfics and retarded otherkin/furry wet dreams.


Dragons in Furry Culture

Dragons are the quintessential heroes of Furry lore. They can be big enough to vore 100 other furries in one swallow, or small enough to get vored by midget skunk furries.

Dragons are also natural leaders of the furry community. Anyone who will pay two hundred and fifty dollars to Furcadia to be a dragon surely has his shit together and is recognized by others for his astounding mental capacity. They have also read Eragon way more than their subordinates. All of them can begin godmoding at will, organize meet ups, and even speak for God to the Christian furry community.


Dragons in Role-playing Culture

Typical dragon from D&D, poised to attack.
Typical dragon from D&D, poised to attack.
Another typical dragonfag...with feathers? Shit, that's a lot of feathers.
Another typical dragonfag...with feathers? Shit, that's a lot of feathers.

Dragons began as the strongest villains a basement-dweller could ever hope to fight. Later on, Game Masters began using dragons to fill every imaginable role in their games. They can be the player's God or best friend or even girlfriend.

Internets roleplayers often pretend to be dragons in order to engage in godmoding. Dragons can fly, breathe fire, and cast powerful spells to kill a hundred ninjas with a single thought.

Dragon Con is the name given to the one weekend a year when roleplayers actually leave their basements. The dragon is the icon that gives them the strength to sleep 12 in a room and face actual sunlight.

This has talentless dipshit written allllll over it.
This has talentless dipshit written allllll over it.

Dragons in Camwhore Culture

Teh ultimate camwhore tattoo.
Teh ultimate camwhore tattoo.

Camwhores often acquire tattoos of dragons. These can be placed near private body parts which are accidentally exposed during the taking of the picture. They are also popular for white people who want to look Azn. They Phail.

More important than just having a tattoo of a dragon, however, is telling everyone about the full body dragon tattoo that the camwhore is going to get some day Haha disregard that I suck cocks. Dragon Furries are cheap wankers who want to jack all your paper by saying Plz donate so they can afford it; you're looking at their only job skill. Wankers

Dragons and Gay Incest

Most people who draw themselves as dragons usually draw themselves fucking their brother dragons. Proof that dragons are faggons.

Dragons & The Bible

Revelation 12:3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

Revelation 12:4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

Revelation 13:4 And they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast.

Revelation 16:13-14 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

Here the Bible has conclusively proven the existence of dragons. You can't argue with the facts.


Trogdor the Burninator was an unfunny flash video at the even more unfunny Homestar Runner. It became an old meme three days after the file debuted but continues to influence the internets. Many nerds own T-shirts with Trogdor's likeness on them. Because they never leave the house, they tend to take pictures of themselves in the shirt to post to their LiveJournals.

Variants of the word "Burninate" - such as baninated - are a continued aspect of unfunny internet culture. (See Encyclopedia_Dramatica:Block_log)

Angry Dragons

Angry dragons did WTC!
Angry dragons did WTC!

It is a well known fact that angry dragons did WTC. As it happens, the angry dragon consists of ejaculating into the mouth of a woman then slapping her on the chin and watching the cum drip out of her nose, but the ferocity of the angriness of the angry dragon led to fire breath that destroyed WTC

See Also


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