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Godmoding is the method by which the a person becomes King of the Basement-dwellers.


[edit] History

Goku powers up to win the game.
Goku powers up to win the game.

Godmoding was invented by God. It was first used to describe his self-insertion into his evolution fanfic, where he replaced nature with himself. Self-insertion, subsequently, was invented by God at the same time and he's been doing it ever since.

Godmoding was then popularized by the mega-successful Dragonball Z television series. Whenever any character in that show feels threatened, he can power up and win the game. Godmoding on the internets is just like Dragonball Z.

[edit] Basic Godmoding

Godmoding is simple. When inside any role-playing community, send the following message:

  • *Darth Sephiroth casts magic missle and everyone dies* lol

[edit] Intermediate Godmoding

Roleplayers who are more experienced prefer more drama in their games.

  • *Darth Sephiroth enters the room. He is dressed in lots of black and wears sunglasses forged from the smelly underworld of Noxal*
  • *Darth Sephiroth casts magic missle and everyone dies* rofl

[edit] Advanced Godmoding

True roleplayers understand the complex natures of human relationships. Godmoders capitalize on these fags by emulating them for cyber-poon.

  • *Darth Sephiroth enters the room. He is dressed in lots of black and wears sunglasses forged from the smelly underworld of Noxal*
  • Darth Sephiroth: ne ladiez here
  • *Hotardu yaoislut giggles*
  • <Darth Sephiroth has exited to private room Love_Den>
  • <Hotardu Yaoislut has exited to private room Love_Den>
  • <Darth Sephiroth has entered>
  • *Darth Sephiroth casts magic missle and everyone dies* lollercaust

"Well fuck you guys, i wasnt trying to control people and dont say im overpowering people when kevin has fucking dragon skin armo which can stand a grenade point blank not to mention what kind of updates it has been given."

Jonathan Shapiro, thesis on Godmoding.

[edit] Famous Godmoders

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