Diablo 2

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The Official Diablo 2 Gold Elite Darklord Dragonslayer Manual in its entirety
The Official Diablo 2 Gold Elite Darklord Dragonslayer Manual in its entirety
Neat box art!
Neat box art!
"Zon" just getting home to her man after killing Diablo 50 times.
"Zon" just getting home to her man after killing Diablo 50 times.

The sequel to Diablo, this is aptly named Diablo Two; Moar like Diablo JEW, amirite? Diablo 2 players, much like World of Warcraft nerds, waste the best years of their lives online, talking about useless garbage and often subscribing to many forums. One major difference between Diablo 2 nerds and WoW nerds is Diablo 2 nerds lack the persuasive skills to weasel enough money out of their moms to buy the monthly subscription. aren't stupid enough to pay $15 a month for a shitty game.

Diablo 2 is a total ripoff of the game Rogue, which was created 100 years ago.


[edit] Player Characters

There are several characters you can play as in what experienced players would call D2. For new players, here are the summaries of the types of characters to help make the game moar fun!

[edit] The Necromancer

The necromancer summons bones to fight for him. Doing so online will result in massive BAWWWing from other players whose computers and "two soup cans and a string" internet connections can't handle more than two of your skeletons on-screen at a time. So, Necromancers become a shitty support character who are only good for cursing monsters and getting the shit beaten out of them.

[edit] The Amazon

This female character is ideally a ranged combatant, using bows and javelins. Is more buff than you'll ever be and has an even bigger dick, and as such, is frequently masturbated to by basement dwellers and weeaboos.

[edit] The Paladin

The obligatory African American added by game developers in an attempt to in the game (and we all know that 13-year-old-boys want to be like nigras, amirite?).

[edit] The Assassin

Some cunt who bought some BDSM gear and goes around raping babies and acting like a ninja. Being the only actual adult female character, most of her skills are bound to making sandwiches and giving Blow-Jays.

[edit] The Druid

Similar to the Necromancer, in that he lives in his mom's basement. What separates fur affinity, yiffing, and yiffing.

[edit] The Sorceress

A 16 year old girl who used her magical powers to pwn stuff. Is a completely shit character, as everything is immune to her spells and is of no use except for sex. Nobody plays the sorceress, not even Peter Chris.

[edit] The Barbarian

A fat, American football player. Most new players pick this character because they assume he is the most powerful, but in reality the game sucks and they need to go outside.

[edit] The Multiplayer Gameplay

Everyone plays online, if you don't you are obviously poor and black. The main advantage to playing online is the ability to trade items with other players. Below is a typical conversation between two D2-ers wishing to engage each other in a trade:

Player #1: wug
Player #2: wuw
Player #1: wug
Player #2: wuw
Player #1: wug
Player #2: wuw
Player #1: wug
Player #2: wuw
Player #1: wug
Player #2: wuw
Player #1: One does not simply smoke crack into Mordor...

This usually goes on for over 9000 hours until the players' moms call them to dinner.

[edit] The Pvm Noobs

The pvm players are mostly those who are playing on "ladder" and who are "mfing" (short for Magic-Finding, The action of searching for items by wasting hours and hours, killing the same bosses again and again) and playing "PvM" (Player vs Monster).

[edit] Scams

UP-FUCKING-DATE!!!: A recent Harvard study shows that 97% of the people who play Diablo 2 are just trying to Image:RAPE.gif you.

They can ruin weeks, months, even years worth of work for their own personal gain. They go chop yo Diablo 2 dollar. If they get you, you fall mugu and go on Baal runs for the master are a fucktard. BELIEVE IT!

These are usually children aged 5-12 who live in their parent's attic, or basement who have nothing better to do, have no friends, don't go to school for some odd reason, and stay home randomly sending people computer-ruining viruses, for no reason. Sending out spam e-mails, and restlessly trying to hack peoples computer to steal their identities, or their bank account numbers, permanently destroying a lifetimes worth of work. Because of their age, their brains do not function at the same level of maturity and morals as that of an adult. Therefore, they are prone to doing irrational and damaging things. These children lose their virginity the very moment they are physically and biologically capable of having sex, usually at 10-12 years old. Also, they do lots of drugs at age 5, join "kid gangs", commit crimes (especially financial crimes online), all before bedtime!

[edit] The Diablo Nazis

The Diablo Nazis are those hardcore players who've wasted 2-3 years or more on that moronic Hitler Chinkey Jew game and still play it because they think it's better than sex. They keep calling people "randoms" when they simply suggested to go on yet another Baal run, and waste more hours on the Diablo 2 related forums than on the game itself.

[edit] Juggalos

Joe doing it for the lulz.
Joe doing it for the lulz.
There are at least 100 juggalos on Diablo at any given time.

How to piss off Juggalos:

  • Make a game called "juggalos" or something close
  • As soon as they join, hostile them
  • No matter what level they are, they will attempt to "represent, fool"
  • Lulz ensue, see picture

[edit] Things to do in Diablo 2

  1. Go to Hell difficulty
  2. Dupe items. if you get caught, you can buy your way out with Stones of Jordan. U c what Blizzard did thar?
  3. PvP
  4. Corpse pop
  5. Lurk just outside of town and ambush people
  6. This:

[edit] How To Succeed In Diablo 2

  1. Baal runs
  2. Baal runs
  3. at least 100 more Baal runs so you get good equips
  4. ????
  5. PROFIT!!

[edit] See also

Image:Gamecontroller.gif Diablo 2 is part of a series on Gaming.

Diablo 2 is part of a series on MMORPGs.

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