Belle & Sebastian's Murdoch Offers Soundtrack Details

Belle & Sebastian's Murdoch Offers Soundtrack Details

Belle and Sebastian leader Stuart Murdoch likes to tell stories about boys and girls, so it was only a matter of time before he made a musical film featuring stories about boys and girls. God Help the Girl is that film. As previously reported, the movie will have a soundtrack featuring all of his Belle and Sebastian buddies along with the Divine Comedy's Neil Hannon, Asya from Smoosh, a couple internet contest winners and others. The soundtrack album will be released in June according to a new blog post from Mr. Murdoch himself. (Matador will release it.)

The 12-song album was recorded in Glasgow and features reworkings of Belle & Sebastian tunes "Act of the Apostle" and "Funny Little Frog". The first single is called "Come Monday Night" and it's "a lullaby for an overworked boy," according to the script. In the MySpace entry, Murdoch also mentions a possible collaboration with Swedish indie pop group Those Dancing Days. He also talks about his sock drawer and current listening habits-- lots of fun fodder for potential stalkers, in other words.

Posted by Ryan Dombal on Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 1:50pm