Stile Project

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Stile Project is part of a series on Shock Sites.

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StileProject helped the image of Goatse become forever seared into our minds
StileProject helped the image of Goatse become forever seared into our minds
Same goes for tubgirl.  Fuck you Stile... fuck you.
Same goes for tubgirl. Fuck you Stile... fuck you.

A long time ago, on a website in the tubes far far away... there was a Jew. A Jew with a plan. A plan to make a site dedicated to hooking the youth of the internets on to the sickest shit he could find such as scat, fetish pr0n, gore & hentai like homeless hooked on heroin. This man was Jay Stile, a self admitted basement dwelling nigra whose internet vice dealing has destroyed the innocence of many. The site was called The Stile Project, and it resembles a cross between Rotten and Ebaumsworld, updating once every two months as a gigantic porn ad and the cornerstone of an entire internets porn factory.

Long before the days of 4chan, people got their fix from Stile Project.


Internets History

Stile Project was a major pioneer of the internets, introducing all the most disgusting (then unknown) shit out of the shadows and into the mainstream. He wanted to teach us things about Japan, bukkake, war, suicide, drugs, and life as a chronic masturbator. Stile is responsible for the creation of the first camportal, ensuring that camwhores and sluts with internet connections will be able to have their wishlists filled without delay, and making sure that the porn will flow.

Stile is more renowned for introducing us to such then-unknown lulzworthy gems as Goatse, Tubgirl, Budd Dwyer, RIKI-OH, Sexy Losers and Brass Eye. The site is also known for helping old memes such as All Your Base get off the ground. No one is quite sure if he should be loved or hated for that.



The pages of stile start off with a TL;DR rant by Jay usually involving him getting the shit beat out of him by midget cocks, and his latest ***INSERT RANDOM PORN PLUG HERE***. There is usually a gallery which is a specific ratio of gore, porn, sick shit, medical horrors, and knives through dicks. Other content includes:

  • Mystery Video theater (Mostly foreign fetish porn)
  • Flash Fun (Recycled from Ebaumsworld)
  • Submissions of how people lost their virginity
  • The newest video of US soldiers being beheaded
  • Stile Sux part: XMCCCIVVXXCVI (pictures of various fugly sluts and camwhores writing "Stile Sux" on their tits)


Used to update once a month with massive amounts of fapworthy content, but due to the shortening attention span of the internet basement dwellers, this was not enough. Much drama followed, with late updates resulting in hate mail from fucktards who need their latest scat fix. Stile's response? He would list offenders' email addresses with the title of "No update this week. You can thank these people for this". Much lulz ensued.


Stile runs over 9000 porn sites as a part of his "STILE-NET," ensuring constant income so he can remain in the basement for the rest of his miserable life. For a while he employed babyfur artist Cave Deli to do various ad-work for his sites along with "STILE SUX: THE COMIC". Eventually Cave had to quit due to severe butthurt from the nightly rapings as payment.


Nearly 10 years ago, Stile faked his own death on webcam, sparking the whole idea of faking your death on the internets for fun or profit. This apparently made his site more popular, but it was still a shithole. Nowadays thanks to imageboards like 4chan's /b/, Stile Project has been rendered obsolete and has become an old meme in itself.

Death of the Irc Server

Comment This article is just fine the way it is you cockgobbling asshole. leave it alone.


As of January, 17 2009 the old server, while sometimes working, has been proclaimed officially dead by the chatters. Due to intermittent connectivity, most of the old crew has moved on to greener pastures.

guys guys. I've figured it out. kevin and stile have only kept irc up as long as they have so argent could have some interaction. now that he's afk they don't feel teh need to keep it going


—Aaron while on the new server



—Wax chimes in

Meanwhile, at the old, dying server...this is all that echoes out into the cold night...

[11:42] * Joins: Laslow (
[11:42] <MrWee> NEW SERVER!!!!
[12:07] <Schmeckatr0n> has joined #spf
[2:43] * Joins: Gnar (
[2:43] <MrWee> NEW SERVER!!!!
[2:43] * Parts: Gnar (
[3:43] * Joins: Laslow (
[3:43] <MrWee> NEW SERVER!!!!

What Happened Before




On January 6, 2009 Kevin, the administrator for stileproject posted a thread detailing the end of an era for many stileproject forum members. The IRC server was going to be taken down for good. While this did not bother most of the members of the forum because of their lack of understanding and general malaise about just about everything, it did send a shockwave through the small (but very hardcore) group of irc users that populate that forum. Realizing what was up right away, those irc users began to question the sanity of the action. Also, a lot of grumbling about advertising revenue and Spam was heard.

IRC is pretty much dying. Even the biggest networks like QuakeNet and EFNet are losing users pretty rapidly.  
So, with that in mind I'm going to slowly phase out the IRC services we offer.

--Kevin, site administrator for the stileproject.  

Was he being told to say this???

Needless to say, several members of the community were shocked and the scramble was on to try and stop Kevin from ruining something truly beautiful. Their pleas fell on deaf ears. The server was going to be shut down and replaced with a flashchat page that could be more easily managed by kevin. Also, stile could then smother this new part of stilenet with his usual crop of porn advertisements and stileNET spam.

People are moving on from IRC because it's a pain to use, hard to police and is a DoS magnet for administrators. 
The only attacks we get on our servers at all anymore are aimed at the IRC servers, which isn't worth the hassle for 
the 60 or so of you still using it. On top of that, getting a new user to figure our IRC is just about impossible these days, 
so it's just not gaining new users the way it used to.

The newer web based systems allow instant login without installing anything, which is a problem even for some of you hardcore 
users who wanna chat from work.

--Kevin explaining the facts as he sees them.
The newest version of mIRC chatting type software.
The newest version of mIRC chatting type software.

But don't let this article's opinion sway you. FLASHCHAT is absolutely awesome! The new chat thing is entirely browser based. It's not IRC, but it works without having to install anything, mess with ports, figure out what identd is and why your firewall won't let it through, and all that other fun. You click, and you're online using your forum username as your name on there.

You can create your own rooms. You can send private messages or public chat. There's some limited file exchanging. You've got a bajillion options for colors, themes and sounds.

OOOoooOOooooOOOOHHHH Colors!

Don't take my word for it, sign up on the forum and then give FLASHCHAT A TRY!!!

One last note must be mentioned concerning the FLASHCHAT page. On any channel or room, TheForum's moderators are also granted instant OP status no matter where they go. What this means to the random noob is that there is no escape from the wrath of an irked moderator. What this means to the normal trolls who populate TheForum is that guys like Venom, Shen, Hughnon, Mr. Wee, and fire will ruin your internet-life.

It's better than nothing, okay?


—Kevin's final words on the subject

See Also

External Links

Stile Project
is part of a series on Web 1.0


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