
User groups

Adobe user groups provide a forum of support and technology to business and creative professionals of all levels and professions. Whether you're a business user, designer, seasoned developer, or just starting out — Adobe user groups strengthen community, increase networking, unveil the latest technology innovations, and reveal the techniques that turn novices into experts, and experts into gurus.

Adobe User Group Resources

Adobe Groups

The Adobe groups site provides a place on where community members can create a profile, join Adobe user groups and connect with other members of the Adobe community. The Adobe designer, developer and mobile communities are represented on Adobe groups as are Adobe employees and Adobe product teams. Go to Adobe groups today and start building connections within the Adobe community.

Acrobat User Community

If you’re excited and passionate about learning more about Adobe Acrobat, the Acrobat User Community is the perfect way to learn more about the latest features, meet other users, locate information on Acrobat user groups and share ideas with other members and Acrobat experts. Our goal is to provide the type of educational resources and user-to-user support that appeal to Acrobat users of all levels and professional backgrounds.

InDesign User Community

There are InDesign® user groups forming around the world. The InDesign community site is intended as a place for community members to receive information about upcoming user group chapter meetings, read the latest InDesign news, get professional opinions about the publishing industry, and learn more about InDesign through online tutorials and demos.

General interest user groups

Do you run a technology user group that is not an official Adobe user group? The Adobe General Interest user group program is designed to support just these types of groups, whether they are Mac, PC, Java, etc. All you need to do is register your group with Adobe to take advantage of a wide variety of free information and resources to support your register your group today!