Sun Microsystems

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Founded by Bill Joy, Sun Microsystems are the world's leading experts on software that sucks.

  • First they created an OS which they creatively named SunOS, and it sucked.
    • Then they renamed it Solaris and jumped the version number from 5.7 to 7, but eventually people realised that it still sucked.
  • Then they created Java, the magical combination language/compiler/virtual machine/security system/floor wax/dessert topping, and for any but the most inveterate tinkerers, it sucked at all of these.
  • Finally they created another OS, the Java Desktop System. For a couple of minutes people were impressed that Sun had created something that didn't suck. Then they realised it was just Linux with bits of Java crufted on, and the Java parts still sucked.

Rumour has it that Sun may eventually make something that doesn't suck, and that pigs may fly.

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