Various Songs (Live at the Grammys)

Video: Radiohead / M.I.A., Kanye West, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, and T.I. / U2 / Estelle and Kanye West / Coldplay [ft. Jay-Z]: Various Songs (Live at the Grammys)

The big winners at the Grammys last night were Coldplay (calling uncle here, I'm finally starting to like some of those songs-- they won rock album of the year and song of the year), Robert Plant and Alison Krauss (they really cleaned up-- record of the year for Raising Sand and a few others) and Lil Wayne (he took home the prize for rap album). Performances ranged from mind-meltingly awful (Kid Rock) to good, with highlights including the rumored Radiohead and the USC Marching Band on "15 Step", an All-Star "Rap Pack" (that's how they billed it-- had something to do with Dean Martin, and it was shown in black and white) led by the M.I.A., easily the most pregnant woman to ever perform on an awards show, and U2 flogging their new one with a high-tech video display. Kanye and Estelle doing "American Boy" is also below, along with Coldplay. A few Pitchforkers clowned about all this stuff as it happened on Twitter, but no one was as funny as Diplo and ?uestlove.

Radiohead With the USC Marching Band: "15 Step"

M.I.A., Kanye West, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, T.I.: "Swagger Like Us"

U2: "Get on Your Boots"

Estelle and Kanye West: "American Boy"

Coldplay [ft. Jay-Z]: "Lost" / "Viva la Vida"

Posted by Mark Richardson on Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 9:50am