The Thermals Are Back, in Doll Form

The Thermals Are Back, in Doll Form

Why look, if it isn't Hutch Harris and Kathy Foster of the Thermals, all dolled up for a night of punk rockin' and provocatin' and such. These cute little plush doppelgangers are the work of band friend Laura Granlund of Intimidnation, and were crafted in an edition of one apiece.

I suppose it goes without saying that these cute little things are not currently for sale, though, there, I said it. "We will let you know if they ever become available for mass consumption," Hutch writes in a recent MySpace blog post, "as we will probably be the ones trying to sell you them, at, of course, a ridiculously inflated price." Appreciate the honesty.

Please note that "you will be seeing a lot of these dolls, as they will be appearing in all of our videos and press shots (so we no longer have to), writing the lyrics for the last two songs of our next record, and auditioning drummers in the fall." That, of course, refers to the recent depature of Thermals pounder Lorin Coleman, and the band's search for a replacement once they craft their next LP as a duo. "Drummer must look good on doll and preferably have a doll of themselves already. Doll must play drums at least half as good as real drummer." Hey, I think I know a guy.

The Thermals' respite from the road continues, alas.

Posted by Paul Thompson on Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 5:20pm