Walkmen, Man Man, Black Mountain Do Rifflandia

Much like Final Fantasy, Blitzen Trapper, Handsome Furs
Walkmen, Man Man, Black Mountain Do Rifflandia

Oh sure, you could spend your Labor Day weekend shoveling the summer's last gulp of potato salad down your gullet and pretending that golf and Frisbee have something to do with each other.  You could relish in your temporary respite from the workforce and have a "staycation," which I believe is new slang for "watching TV." Or you could enter the magical realm of Rifflandia, full of mirth and merriment and three whole days' worth of music. Your call, but seriously, these are your only options.

Should you go with door #3 (good choice!), you'll want to make your way to downtown Victoria, British Columbia during the long weekend of August 29-31. There, for the price of a wristband, you'll be granted access to at least eight venues, each playing host to some fine, fine music. Populating the weird world of Rifflandia this time out are the likes of Man Man, the Walkmen, Black Mountain, Final Fantasy, Blitzen Trapper, DJ Z-Trip, Handsome Furs, Johnny & the Moon, You Say Party! We Say Die!, the Beatnuts, Howlin' Rain, Tim Finn (of Crowded House/Split Enz), Brother Ali, and others.

Sure, celebrating a day of rest at something called Rifflandia is a little silly, but it's not half as silly as the Martin Lawrence marathon at the centerpiece of your staycation.

Posted by Paul Thompson on Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 7:00am