Muxtape Shut Down, For Now

Muxtape Shut Down, For Now

This evening, visitors to popular virtual-mixtape-generating website Muxtape were greeted with an unfortunate message: "Muxtape will be unavailable for a brief period while we sort out a problem with the RIAA." Over at the Muxtape Tumblr, a post stated, "No artists or labels have complained. The site is not closed indefinitely. Stay tuned."

No other information was available.

Perhaps it's just a publicity stunt or a technical glitch. Perhaps the site will be back up by the morning. Or the RIAA really did have a problem with the site. After all, they did host thousands of free, streaming songs available for your mixtaping pleasure, and encouraged you to upload more. The party was inevitably going to end sooner or later.

Regardless, tonight, thousands of lovesick indie kids all over the world are being forced to haul out boomboxes and put tape over old MC Hammer cassettes in order to compile mixes for their crushes. This is a sad occasion indeed.

Posted by Amy Phillips on Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 11:25pm