Photos: Low / Tapes 'n Tapes Members at Obama Benefit [Saint Paul, MN; 08/27/08]

Photos: Low / Tapes 'n Tapes Members at Obama Benefit [Saint Paul, MN; 08/27/08]

Photos by Jon Behm; Above: Low

On January 20, 2009, after eight long years, George W. Bush's tenure in the White House will come to an end. And hey, quite a few people are pretty excited about that. A number of these excited folks gathered at Saint Paul's Turf Club last night for the previously reported, sold out "Eight Is Enough" concert, where they said a collective "good riddance" to the Bush administration and raised some proceeds for Barack Obama's presidential campaign.

Among the Gopher State revelers: Low, Josh Grier and Jeremy Hansen of Tapes 'n Tapes, Dosh, P.O.S., and more. Let's hope they can keep the enthusiasm going: the Republican National Convention (and any accompanying mayhem) descends on the Twin Cities September 1-4.


Tapes 'n Tapes' Josh Grier and Jeremy Hansen




Kill the Vultures

Posted by Pitchfork Staff on Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 2:00pm