Kevin Shields Talks New LP, Old Sessions, Price of Noise

Kevin Shields Talks New LP, Old Sessions, Price of Noise

Photo by Ryan Muir

As our news editor Amy Phillips noted in her ATP New York review today, My Bloody Valentine frontguy Kevin Shields sat down with The New York Times over the weekend at Kutsher's Country Club to gab about the band's recent tours, the plans for that forthcoming album, and what else might be next for the rejuvenated Valentines.

Kev notes that, for the band's recent tours, they've spent £200,000-- $366,000 U.S.-- on equipment. He also admits to owning "hundreds" of effects pedals, but only using a mere 30 on stage. 

Shields explains that a recent look through the MBV archives around the time of the remastering work on Loveless and Isn't Anything revealed some things in his notoriously costly, largely unfruitful mid-1990s sessions of which he had been unaware: namely, that the stuff he was working on for the band's third album was actually pretty damn good.

Shields now intends to complete work on those tunes, which will presumably take the form of that new album he promised way back when. There's also talk of new recordings to come this fall, likely once the band's North American tour wraps. The whole article is worth a read if you've got the time, even if it does come from a totally non-journalistic organization.

That tour, by the way, will bowl over Toronto tomorrow night (September 25) before heading toward Chicago, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.

09-25 Toronto, Ontario - Kool Haus
09-27 Chicago, IL - Aragon Ballroom *
09-30 San Francisco, CA - The Concourse
10-01 Los Angeles, CA - Santa Monica Civic
10-02 Los Angeles, CA - Santa Monica Civic

* with Hopewell

Posted by Paul Thompson on Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 1:45pm