Flaming Lips Plan Another Halloween Parade

"Every skeleton will be carrying a torch with real fire. Anyone in the parade must sign a waiver."
Flaming Lips Plan Another Halloween Parade

The Flaming Lips: A band for all holidays. There's their flick Christmas on Mars, finally hitting theaters and DVD this fall. (For more dirt on that, check out our interview with lead Lip Wayne Coyne, which ran yesterday.) But before Christmas, the Lips are making plans for another holiday: Halloween. Much as they did last year, the band will lead the "March of 1,000 Flaming Skeletons" through the streets of Oklahoma City, leaving a path of destruction and surreal video footage in its wake.

This year's skull-stravaganza takes place Saturday, October 25, and interested parties would be advised to read the parade instructions and sign up now. To participate, you'll have to buy a costume through the band's webstore, but it comes with a fucking torch, so you won't mind the small fee. Because torches carry fire, and because you'll be carrying the torches, you'll have to sign a waiver to participate, and you have to be 18 or older to sign said waiter. That, and the thought of marching for two straights hours better not rattle ye bones, since that will be the approximate duration of the trek. Further instructions for participants will be mailed out later, and if you don't show up, you won't get your torch nor any manner of refund.

Point being: If you're gonna do this crazy awesome thing, you've gotta commit yourself.

Here's what the costume looks like:

Beyond Christmas and Halloween, the Lips are laying pretty low of late. Let's just hope they've got something in the works for Groundhog Day.

Posted by Paul Thompson on Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 12:00pm