Johnny Marr Guests on John Frusciante Album

Does about a hundred other cool things, too
Johnny Marr Guests on John Frusciante Album

He's a member of Modest Mouse. He's in cahoots with the Cribs. He's a college professor. He recently remastered a bunch of his legendary old band's songs for a new compilation. And yet, something about Johnny Marr's schedule screamed to him, "Not busy enough!" Thus, Marr has filled the void in his creative life by getting involved in a variety of new projects.

First, reports that Marr contributed to Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist John Frusciante's next solo album, The Empyrean. According to Billboard, the Sonus Quartet, the New Dimension Singers, and Chili Peppers bassist Flea also appear on the record, which comes out January 20 via Record Collection.

Next, Marr is working with Modest Mouse photographer Pat Graham on Graham's next book. Titled Instrument, the book will feature photographs of Graham's favorite musicians' instruments. A preview of the book can be found here.

Finally, Marr began his time as Professor of Music at Salford University with a November 4 lecture called "Always From the Outside: Mavericks, Innovators, and Building Your Own Ark". According to his website, the lecture was "a celebration and recognition of how all great people and achievements have come exclusively from outside the music business and the establishment. It's an idealistic argument for the necessity of operating outside of the business bottom line." As if we needed more proof that Johnny Marr is a standup dude.

A transcript of "Always From the Outside" is coming to Marr's site soon.

Posted by Dave Maher on Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 2:30pm