Play the Flaming Lips' Christmas on Mars Game!

Play the Flaming Lips' <i>Christmas on Mars</i> Game!

So the Flaming Lips actually released their long-awaited film, Christmas on Mars, this week, and despite offering it in the most insane "mega deluxe" package we've seen in a while, the Oklahoma band is not done piling on the goodies.

The newest Mars-related treat is a computer game you can access via the Lips' website at Here's how it works, at least in the two levels I played: Multiple disembodied Wayne Coyne heads in Mars makeup float toward the main character, who is supposed to throw brains at the heads to explode them before they reach him. To start, you get three lives, symbolized by Lips drummer/multi-instrumentalist Steven Drozd in a Santa hat. Like I said, I only got to Level 2, so I'm either particularly uncoordinated (very likely) or the thing is harder than it seems like it should be. [Don't worry, dude. Everybody else here who has played it has failed, too. It actually IS hard. -Ed.]


Christmas on Mars
is screening at theaters around the country this fall.

Posted by Dave Maher on Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 3:15pm