Jens Lekman Prepares to Conquer Asia

One heart at a time
Jens Lekman Prepares to Conquer Asia

Photo by William Kirk

"Let's get away from it all," offers do-gooder Jens Lekman to pal and electronic music-maker Viktor Sjöberg in a message on his website. And so the two shall, on a whirlwind tour of the Asian continent that begins later this month.

Lekman and Sjöberg will trade "The Cold Swedish Winter" for the more inviting climes of South Korea, Singapore, China, and Indonesia on the trek, which kicks off November 29 in Seoul and wraps just over a week later in Bandung. It would appear Jens is attempting to set up a gig in the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur sometime after December 6 as well, so if you or someone you know lives in the area, wouldn't hurt to drop the guy a line.

Oh you're so worldly, Jens:

11-29 Seoul, South Korea - Ssamzie Spac *
11-30 Seoul, South Korea - Ssamzie Spac *
12-01 Singapore City, Singapore - The White Rabbit *
12-02 Beijing, China - MAO Live *
12-03 Hangzhou, China - JZ Club *
12-04 Shanghai China - Glamour *
12-06 Bandung, Indonesia - Dirgantara IPTN *

* with Viktor Sjöberg

Posted by Matthew Solarski on Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 9:00am