Long Blonde Cox Rehabs From Stroke With Robo-Glove

Long Blonde Cox Rehabs From Stroke With Robo-Glove

Photo by Devon Banks

Long Blondes guitarist Dorian Cox's stroke paralyzed the right side of his body, forced his band to break up, and cast doubt on his ability to play guitar ever again. But now, really sweet technology is helping him regain movement in his right hand. What is this sweet technology, you ask? It's called a SaeboFlex glove, and based on the way it looks, we're kind of hoping Cox forgets about music and decides to start fighting crime.

According to a Guardian.co.uk report, "The SaeboFlex supports the weakened wrist, hand, and fingers, strengthening muscles and helping patients re-learn how to grasp and release objects. The device is entirely mechanical, using springs and levers instead of electricity." Cox is using the glove in a regimen at the PhysioFunction center in York, England.

"It's helping tremendously, and I think it can work wonders for me and others-- it's almost like a gym for my hand," Cox said.

Cox still can't play guitar, and he is aware that his musical future remains uncertain: "I know things might never be the same again, and nobody can give me a definite answer about whether I'll play guitar again." Either way, he said, "I'm getting back on track," and hooray for that.

Posted by Dave Maher on Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 12:30pm