Sigur Rós to Play European Mini Tour

Bring some Nutella and a hanky

In light of the overwhelming critical reception of \xC1gætis Byrjun, Sigur Rós are revving up for a proper world tour by offering a two-week mini tour in festhouses of Europe. Nevermind the abundance of shiny, blond-haired, blue-eyed überhumans who identify with the Icelandic bunch and will likely be present at most, if not all, the Euro love-ins. Pack a bag and head over. The run promises to give good returns, especially at the Radiohead Fest concert, in Oxford's South Park. Radiohead bassist Colin Greenwood has mentioned Thom's spot-on Isaac Hayes impression and says that the boys may give a nod with the Chef's "Chocolate Salty Balls." Even if he's joshing, the convergence of two darling-status bands in one day and one venue (and one Pitchfork news day) is sure to recruit and reaffirm fans of both bands.

n Confirmed tour dates are:
07-07 Radiohead Fest, Oxford, England
07-10 Bielefeld, Germany
07-11 Karlsruhe, Germany
07-13 Montreux Jazz Fest, Switzerland

n .: Sigur Rós:

Posted by Nick Scholl on Thu, Jul 5, 2001 at 12:00am