Causey Explains Hiatus, Is Crazy

We told you they were a cult

Scott Causey Stanton, the mind behind the cult-like punk group the Causey Way, is apparently in a mental institution. According to a letter from Causey posted on the Alternative Tentacles website, the only pop singer who has gained comparisons to David Koresh is currently residing at the Kalamazoo Psychiatric Hospital. If he is to be believed, he has been there for about six months, having had "several run-ins with the law," including at least two in Canada. Wait, Canada has laws now? That's not right, is it?

What directly led to his current commitment were the events that transpired at a Causey Way service (he means "concert") in Morgantown, West Virginia, in which "the firearms display got a little out of hand." He was then declared insane and sent to his current residence. Although often incoherent, the Causey distances himself from the Causey Way, admitting that it was a cult, and speaks of himself in the third person. He finishes the letter by telling his fans that the "the music, the name, it is all yours. There are no copy rights or publication rights... no contracts signed." We'll see what Jello Biafra has to say about that.

Posted by Gooblar on Fri, Jul 6, 2001 at 12:00am