SS Bountyhunter on the Trail of a New Release

Carbondale has a scene?

Carbondale, Illinois' SS Bountyhunter have released Serpents for Eggs, their first album for the Velvet Blue Music label. Bountyhunter crew members John Deas, Josh Plemon, Becky Plemon, Adam Fletcher, Gary Trimble, Andrea Deas, and Mike Coles are veterans of the Carbondale music scene, with roots in area punk bands. Their previous release, a self-titled LP, blended surf rock, electronic, and industrial elements with a bit of the good old ultra-violence. When you live in the middle of nowhere, it just makes you that much more crazy.

It's still a mystery what the members of SS Bountyhunter do when not performing on-stage. We would certainly like to believe that the insane barrage of guns, wailing guitars, fake (?) blood, flashing swords, and whirling nunchaku ends when the curtain falls, but there's no way to be sure. Plans are for the Good Ship Bountyhunter to play the festival circuit this summer and also do a few shows in the Midwest, unless things get out of hand and they have to lay low for a while.

Posted by Michael A. Cavagnaro on Wed, Jul 11, 2001 at 12:00am