48 Hours of Beans

That's gonna be one fucking huge crescendo
The original Three Days of Peace and Music, Woodstock 1969, lasted approximately 48 hours and featured 33 distinct musical acts. Five guys from Canada think they can do 32 acts better. According to their publicist, Vancouver post-rock quintet Beans is set to play for 48 hours straight at the Sugar Refinery in Vancouver, Canada, starting at Midnight tonight, and running until midnight on August 12th. At that point, they plan to pass out and die. Like Woodstock, the Beans show promises to feature camping, free love and plenty of uppers.

Critics like to compare Beans, whose schtick is that they never play a song the same way twice, to Godspeed You Black Emperor! The marathon show, which will consist entirely of improvisational music, gives those critics even more basis for the comparison, given that 48 hours is the average length of a Godspeed album track. Beans released its well-received first LP, Crane Wars, in mid-June. It features the same sort of cathartic, orchestral post-rock that brought GYBE! such acclaim, but with a tad more frivolity. We just want to hear the last hour of this thing.

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Posted by Brad Haywood on Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 12:00am