Ladies Take Over Chicago, NYC

Probably not a good time to yell "show us your tits"
Following the success of last summer's Ladyfest 2000 in Olympia, Washington, two regional Ladyfests will be taking place in the U.S. over the next month. Like the original, both Ladyfests will combine musical and spoken word performances with film screenings and workshops. First up is Ladyfest Midwest, which runs August 16th through 19th in Chicago. Musical performers at Ladyfest Midwest include Le Tigre, Bratmobile, the Indigo Girls' Amy Ray, Tara Jane O'Neill, Slumber Party, ESG, and Mary Timony (performing with former Smashing Pumpkin James Iha on guitar). Proceeds from Ladyfest Midwest will benefit Women in the Director's Chair and the Chicago Women's Health Center. A full schedule of events, performances, and workshops is available at the Ladyfest Midwest website.

Ladyfest East will take place from September 6th-9th in New York City. On this stop, the lineup includes such performers as Nicole Blackman, Bitch and Animal, the Hissyfits, Gynomite with Maggie Estep, and Ari-Up (from the Slits). A two-disc benefit compilation featuring a number of artists performing at Ladyfest East, along with up-to-the minute schedule information, is available from the Ladyfest East website. All proceeds from Ladyfest East will benefit the Rape and Incest National Network (RAINN), founded by the crazy old cool Tori Amos. Did we mention her upcoming covers album? Yeah, we didn't think so.

Posted by Nanette Wargo on Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 12:00am