Members of Mogwai, Belle & Sebastian, Arab Strap, Snow Patrol Form Scottish Supergroup

You could almost make a full set of teeth from them
After a few drinks we all got talking and I said that we should all make a record together. Everyone thought it was a great idea but I'm sure they were thinking, "Aye, right, Gary, whatever," and that I'd forget about it when I had sobered up. In fact, the next day I wrote the complete album."

After his uniquely constructive hangover remedy netted an album's worth of songs, Lightbody secured a deal for the collective with Belfast-based Bright Star Recordings, and the album, titled Y'all Get Scared Now, Ya Hear was recorded in Glasgow over ten days. The album will be released in the States on September 25th on PIASAmerica.

Band members include:
Gary Lightbody and Jonny Quinn (Snow Patrol)
Aidan Moffat (Arab Strap)
Willie Campbell, Charlie Clarke, Gareth Russell and Michael Bannister (Astrid)
John Cummings (Mogwai)
Colin Macintyre (Mull Historical Society)
Jenny Reave (Eva)
Richard Colburn, Mick Cooke and Bob Kildea (Belle & Sebastian)
Gill Mills and Andrew Meehan (Hercules)

01 Will You Please Be There for Me
02 The Opening Taste
03 12 Hours It Takes Sometimes
04 Deviance
05 If There Is I Haven't Found It Yet
06 Fire Bell
07 If Everything Fell Quiet
08 I've Never Understood
09 Raindrop
10 Sting
11 Billed as Single
12 Toute le Monde
13 Nightfall
14 The Day We All Died

Posted by Derek Fahnestock on Thu, Aug 16, 2001 at 12:00am